****Pete Seeger at 88 years, finally came out publicly against Stalin. He wrote a song recently denouncing Uncle Joe.
**** Which blogs do you visit and why? If you are lefty, do you stay away from rightist blogs? Why do rightists visit leftist blogs? I personally visit blogs, that support my blog, by commenting or linking to me. I don't play Devil's Advocate all the time.
**** Use Who Links To Me?, to find out who links to you. I have about three blogs a week, many I never visited, link to my blog. If someone links to you, or comments at your blog, link to them. Blog ratings have to do with how many people link to your blog, or mention your blog.
**** I was tagged by PCoE, and asked about my five top political influences. Who are yours? I was highly influenced by Lyndon Johnson. During the Vietnam War, I realized that Democrats share goals with Republicans. Besides Trotsky and Lenin, my early blog readers know Christopher Hitchens influenced me in good and bad ways. Add my old friend Harvey from high school.
**** I want to plug Lefty /bloggers/cartoonists Ben Heine and David Baldinger.

**** At Minnesota's St. Thomas College, it's president Rev. Dennis Dease, due to the recommendations of Zionist groups, uninvited Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu from speaking to a peace conference. When the decision was made public, the college reversed itself, due to worldwide pressure. Some of the Zionist groups that tried to stop him from speaking, now are sponsoring him. Professor Cris Toffolo who heads the Peace and Justice Studies Program there, invited Tutu initially. Tofollo has since been demoted, and Tutu won't speak, until the professor is back in her position.
This is the free for all post!