Saturday, 23 July 2011
The AUF summer camp only a few days ago. Photo: Arbeiderpartiet
World public has been shocked by the news of the bloody massacre in Norway. At least 91 people have been killed, including 84 members of the Labour Youth Organization (AUF) in a summer camp.
Read the rest here
If you want to defend Islamism, than by all means, respond.
Or is revolution only the right of the F'ers, and NEVER the F'ees?
Q- "What kind of nation have you given us?"
A- "A Republic, if you can keep it.
The Norwegian Manifesto...
Absolutely disgusting violence and a completely unnecessary waste of life.
I have been to Norway many times and I love its awesomely beautiful countryside and its peaceful, warm, friendly, happy, humorous people.
The worst part now is that this animal can only get a maximum of 21 years in jail under Norwegian law - I have no doubt that this heavily influenced this cowards decision to carry this out, he had no intention of dying too, he calmly surrendered to the first police officer that challenged him.
He will be free to carry on with the rest of his life at the relatively young age of 53.
That is, if someone doesn't dispense some real justice in prison first.
When a citizen in any nation clearly sees his identity being eroded (in this case by Norway's Labour Party)who are traitors then emotions run high.
The attacker wasn't a coward. A coward would have shot himself. This individual wanted to face the music as true crusader would. Like many nationalistic individuals they are being silenced and otherwise branded. This is cultural marxism at it's worst. The best is yet to come.
That is just horseshit.
Democracy flourishes in Norway and the opposition to the senior coalition partner came second in the polls. It is for the people to decide their fate.
The man certainly was a coward as only cowards uses bombs and shoot unarmed people - let alone unarmed children - thus removing themselves away from any risk of consequent violence to themselves.
I strongly suspect that you are not even remotely a genuine commentator here anyway, but a 'troll' in the truest sense of the word and that your aim here is purely to associate your idiotic comments to that empty blog you link to.
The attacker WAS a coward. You target your enemies, not their kids.
And who, pray tell, are "your enemies"? Their parents?
I'm not surprised 'Wallsall Patriot" (all one of him - does the town have a nice flag?) has joined the above circle jerk. Wait a beat for Sentie's righteous bluster to kick in. Maybe a hundred more comments, within which certain morons insert their ignorant take on events... blaming the Scandinavian welfare system, perhaps? And of course shout-outs to Hitler here and there...
Ah, nevermind.
Mine, or his?
I have a threshold test that must be crossed before I start killing MY enemies. So far, they haven't crossed it. But the day they do, they will begin to die... in VERY large quantities.
And that's not "nationalism" nor is it "facism". It's "survivalism".
If you were to ask me, I haven't seen anything in Norway that would have violated MY threshold nor my targeting priorities. And THAT's why I consider the gunman to be a coward and a criminal. But HAD it been broached, I'd praise him to high heaven as a hero.
What is that threshold? Believe me, you'll find out once you get there.
erratum - or "satisfied" my targeting criteria (a DIRECT abuser).
The WWII allies could indiscriminately terrorize civilians and drop all the bombs on the enemy that they wanted to, but in a revolution... those "civilians" are your civilians.
Actually Kasper I think you posted that comment under the sock puppet of Editor purely so you could link to that obviously fake blog.
We often see that kind of behaviour on this blog when the deranged come to call, and sure enough, another certifiable loon has taken up residency (you) and the same old see through stunts have come with you. There are at least another 2 that come here that play the same games, but they have been dormant for a while.
You are not even remotely bothered about this horrific crime as a human tragedy - indeed you are mocking this tragedy of as yet unburied murdered children in another thread here - just as you found genocide to be a good source of humour in the same thread.
A broken record of propaganda and a homcidal fantasist! You two should go on a date. just don't take your guns to town...
Me, I'm outta here.
A broken record of propaganda and a homcidal fantasist!
But Ren and Wolfie haven't even weighed in yet... ;)
Have to disagree, ren. It was an attack on the left which has always been considered an enabler of radical jihadism at loon sites like Atlas Shrugged and Jihad Watch.
It wasn't an attack on the labor movement. It was a hate attack primed by the hate sites.
Ducky, it was an attack on the Labour Party in retaliation for their immigration policies. He purposely targeted government offices and a Youth Camp that was at the time being frequented by teenagers and young adults connected to the Labour Party. It was in effect a Labout Party outing. I should point out here there were no "children" involved, other than teenagers. It was a political learning camp. I will be so bold as to call it a political indoctrination camp.
I won't step so far off the edge as to suggest that this attack was justified, but one thing I will say is it has been a long time coming, and if things don't change you are going to see much more of it. And the longer things continue in Europe at their present rate the more difficult its going to become to offer a valid criticism of such actions.
People don't take kindly to being enslaved by their own governments any more than they do by foreign ones, despite what the majority might at any given time decide is good for all.
I won't repeat that old saying about Democracy being about three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper.
Oh wait, I just did.
No Pagan, because the fringe right hate crew is a distinct minority.
Geller and her assorted hate monger suck ups have had their day.
You seem to react in consort with the notorious ass rack Beak who called it "making something out of nothing".
Well, the hate sites are on the run. People are wising up to this crap.
Did you notice that Andrew Breitbart's cabana boy made another video, complete edited and dubbed lies but the right usually digs this stuff. The dipstick publishes it while the debt ceiling problem and Rupert "Faux News" Murdoch had the news cycle covered. It's over.
How to build a progressive, let alone socialist movement in America? Tough slog but a Phoenix has to rise from the bullshit pile the right has left.
You can't find your way to criticizing the murder of 80 kids at an outing. You have lost your soul. Your humanity has left you.
If it walks like a Ducky, and quacks like a Ducky, it probably wouldn't be saying shit if the killer had turned out to be a Muslim.
"I won't step so far off the edge as to suggest that this attack was justified, but one thing I will say is it has been a long time coming, and if things don't change you are going to see much more of it. And the longer things continue in Europe at their present rate the more difficult its going to become to offer a valid criticism of such actions."
One man murdered 90 kids you fucking scumbag. And you're trying to blame Muslims?
How come the rules above this comments box are barely adhered to? That was a not-so-subtle apology for mass child murder, with the 'threat' of more if Pagan doesn't get the world white supremacy he wants.
Thersites: The attacker WAS a coward. You target your enemies, not their kids.
Target? I don't think that way, because socialist revolution, is relatively not violent.
I simply oppose all terrorism, no matter where it comes from.
Sentinel: I have no problem with what you said about Norway.
Ducky: It was primarily an attack on the Labour Party. I'm not going to argue, if you call it an attack on the whole left.
How about Obama outflanking the Republicans to the right on debt ceiling talks. The Democrats are the right's enablers.
I can't wait to read Beak's take on this.
I won't talk about Breibart. I might say something I regret.
Pagan: Political groups have camps, so you don't have to pay for hotels.
Your statement is obscene, and without substance.
The world is dialectical. Europeans are influenced by brown skinned Muslims, and brown skinned Muslims watch MTV and WWE.
I've never known Ducky to support terror.
W.Kaspar: Pagan was banned by a rightist blog!
W. Kaspar-
I'm not "trying" to blame Muslims, I AM blaming European policies towards Muslim immigration. That's not me excusing it. That just happens to be why he did it. Since when is recognition of a fact tantamount to endorsing it?
Remind me to be impressed by all of you and your selective outrage the next Hamas blows up an Israeli teenage hangout.
I've read you fucks excuses for that until I'm blue in the face, so you can all go to hell.
Oh, and here's another thing, straight from the keyboard of Renegade Eye, paraphrased-
"The American government funded the Islamists from the beginning"
So what were you saying there, Ren? Does that mean the US government is responsible for 9/11? For the Taliban and Al-Queda? For all the other terrorist attacks perpetrated by them and by others? You weren't saying this is all some kind of blowback, are you?
Uh oh, better watch out, W Kaspar is on the case even as we speak. He might even say mean things to you.
But hey, don't worry. I'm sure if you go back over all your old posts you should be able to dig up old quotes that express your deep remorse and sorrow for the loss of innocent American and Israeli life.
And the longer things continue in Europe at their present rate the more difficult its going to become to offer a valid criticism of such actions.
Sure, multiculturalism is such a terrible thing. If you are a neo-nazi/neo-fascist.
Normal people do not have a problem with it.
You're a leftist, so what the fuck would you know about what normal people have problems with? You don't get to define "normal" no matter how much you might think you should.
I repect your views, and you are cleverer than me, but I think we should react to what he has done. It is symptomatic of the extremist attitudes of many hard right commentators in the Anglosphere. The horrendous hatred of Muslims is dreadful. His belief the EU is the "EUSSR" is a belief held by many Eurosceptics and I feel this is a terrifying statement. It's ok to support withdrawal from the EU, but to think it is a dictatorship like the USSR is extreme. All it does is decided by elected leaders of Europe, or the EU parliament or by institutions ACCOUNTABLE TO THEM. Of course there will be extremists WITH EXTREME ACTIONS, if extreme beliefs are so run of the mill. I read the quote "EUSSR" on loads of forums, its disgusting as is constast demonising of centre left activists and thinkers which has happened in mainstream right wing papers for decades. Additionally deliberate missinterpretation by right wing tabloids and commentators of the views of the left will surely cause many to hate left wingers. Look at US right wingers, they have such horrible language about Obama, the hard right in the world need to tone down. You could say all terrorists are madmen, but they do not come out of thin air. The Oklahmoma Bombers, the 2001 Anthrax attacks, the KKK, the OAS, The ELD, the P2, and Oktoberfest bomber, and Franco are all in living memory, and have antecedants today, we should always react to such events, whether political or non-political events, and we should remember that peace, freedom, fraternity and equality are right every time. Just as his victims would have wanted I am sure.
P.S when I said you are cleverer than me, I did not mean those people who think left wing activists are not normal. like the comment above mine. This event is yet more proof the left is correct, and the right just fuel hate.
And when I ssaid the comment above Mine, I did not mean the one above that ine, phew!! anyway, I agree with the statement by Anonymus, as that was me, but not the statement by Pagan Temple, may I also say it is scary many rightists are not horrified at the murders by the serial killinmg right wing terrorist
I am pleased to see,that no one other than one troll (editor) and Pagan, (ever the contrarian), has tried to apologize for this massacre.
I have often said it is one thing to disagree with a person, but it is another to demonize and dehumanize them for that difference. People like Anders are of the latter.
Well, the hate sites are on the run. People are wising up to this crap.
lol! The Left is nothing but a collection of HATE REALITY sites. They've NEVER been on the run. In the words of PT Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute." Or in the words of HL Mencken, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."
Target? I don't think that way, because socialist revolution, is relatively not violent.
You mean it NEVER turns violent? Then what the hell were all those posts praising Egypt, riots in Tehran and the Arab Spring?
You Lefties kill me (figuratively). ;)
846 dead in Cairo, w/ 6,467 wounded.
Oh, I get it, only the RIGHT conducts violent revolutions.
btw - How many died in Marx's Russian Revolution?
@ Pagan: The vast majority of people in Europe have no problem with multiculturalism, unless you want to argue that neo-nazis/neo-fascists are normal.
Here we go. Anybody who loves his/her own culture and isn't willing to accept the progressive Left's brainfart for irrevocably changing it du jour is a Nazi/fascist/hater.
Put a minaret w/some loudspeakers up next to the Eifel Tower. How delightful!
I would have to disagree and say from what I have seen, there was a lot of children targeted there. Early teens and teens to me are still children and only a psychopath and a rank coward would do what this animal has done.
I would have to agree with your assessment of the camp itself though. I really don't think political camps have any place in the lives of children just as I don't think religious camps do either - once they are at the age of consent, if they are interested in these things and choose to go, then that is their prerogative. Before so is cynical manipulation.
The other thing I would have to agree with is that is absolutely ludicrous for the far left to use this horrific crime as any sort of stick for others when the far left have proven to be the biggest mass murderers in history - 100m+ murdered and the world greatest genocide - and have spawned some of the most prolific (and the vast majority of Europe's) terrorist groups.
Indeed the far left never stop clamouring for 'revolution' - that is violence - and the template for revolution was cemented in July 1917 by the shooting and bayoneting of an entire family - children and all - as well as their doctor and servant in their very own basement. Something Trotsky said Lenin ordered.
So all in all I think cheap attempts to score points off the back of this vicous crime by the far left is as vulgar as it is absurd.
"How come the rules above this comments box are barely adhered to?"
You would be best placed to answer that. You break most of them every time you post here.
And look how the anon comments keep on coming. Funny that.
"Me, I'm outta here."
Nothing you have to say is ever remotely true.
That is just rubbish.
Parties with a platform of immigration control are at the forefront of European democracy and very fast growing. Indeed Norway's second party is a prime example of just this.
If statistics are your thing, then in the UK, a recent YouGov poll showed 81 per cent support the Conservatives proposed (but already broken) cap on migration and 73% are 'unhappy' with Prof David Coleman's projected date of 2066 marking the end of indigenous Britons as a majority.
Another poll - commissioned by Searchlight Educational Trust - showed that 48% would vote for a "far-right" party but only if it rejected "fascist imagery" and 63% feel immigration has had a negative effect.
Attempting to smear anyone who has legitimate concerns about the direction and future of their country is juvenile and can only lead to no good.
If you enjoyed multiculturalism, you ought to LOVE Islam's multitemporalism. It's only an experiment in 7th century morality... pederasty, stoning and burkha'd women for EVERYBODY!
I agree with everything you said actually. I don't bother expressing my true feelings to leftists, for the simple fact I know for a fact they don't give a good fried fuck about the lives of children other than maybe their own. This tragedy is, as you said, nothing but an excuse to attack the right.
You were speaking of course about the Czar and his wife and their children-Alexis, Olga, Marie, Tatiana and Anastasia.
I brought them up numerous times and pointed out the brutality of their fate at the hands of the communist butchers. The sympathy and remorse displayed towards them was, let's put it this way, far from overwhelming, to put it charitably.
The monster who ordered their executions is in fact yet hailed as a visionary by these people.
Thus, their calls for me to express sympathy and regret towards the victims of this massacre, knowing exactly what their true motivations for doing so are, makes my blood run cold.
The slogan for Pam Geller, and for Geert Wilders., etc. should be as it is for me-No backing down. No surrender. No apologies.
There is one way to stop the Left... stop raising the debt ceiling. Right now there's a "Constitutional Cap" on spending. Let's keep it there!
What? No, give that fucking Obama what he wants. I want to see the fucking grinning little hyena blame it on Bush when everything gets even worse when he gets his way. Then maybe people might actually be intelligent enough to give him and his fucking party the heave-ho, after which we can actually go about enacting long-lasting structural change, for once.
a recent YouGov ...
Another poll ...
What questions were asked in these poles? Who was asked these questions? Where are the links to the results?
Attempting to smear anyone who has legitimate concerns about the direction and future of their country is juvenile and can only lead to no good.
Pretending that immigrants are the cause of any problem in Western Society is the height of bigotry and ignorance.
Remind me to be impressed by all of you and your selective outrage the next Hamas blows up an Israeli teenage hangout.
I despise radical Islam, as well as any other fundamentalist religion. I have specifically denounced Hamas and Hezbollah as extremist organizations that ought to be rooted out and destroyed.
Religion in general is a comfort for the weak, and a dogma for stupid and superstitious fools. Supernatural forces obviously do not exist.
Pagan: Oh, and here's another thing, straight from the keyboard of Renegade Eye, paraphrased-
"The American government funded the Islamists from the beginning"
John Foster Dulles gave aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, to oppose Nasser, who wanted to join the Warsaw Pact. That was the start of modern Islamism.
Islamists share with capitalists, the hatred of workers.
Only your lack of logic, links that to the US supported 9/11.
You were speaking of course about the Czar and his wife and their children-Alexis, Olga, Marie, Tatiana and Anastasia.
They never let Trotsky know, until after it over.
Lenin was correct to do that. Its the same as why Saddam had to be killed. Nobody for the opposition to rally around.
If you are so outraged by what is in this blog, find one you like.
SpeedyG: It depends what multiculturalism means. I'd be against it in the post modernist sense. America is not a tribe.
Thersites: Revolution is relatively without violence. Some bourgeois historians, who don't understand revolution, called the Russian Revolution a coup. Why? Because there wasn't much violence.
Sentinel:Another poll - commissioned by Searchlight Educational Trust - showed that 48% would vote for a "far-right" party but only if it rejected "fascist imagery" and 63% feel immigration has had a negative effect.
That's you in a nutshell. There is the carrot and the stick. You're the carrot.
Bob: The nation state is outdated. The formation of the EU and the Euro, shows modern capitalism has no nation.
Anonymous: To commit a terrorist act, as in Norway, is an act of weakness. Its an example of one person, or a few, substituting themselves, for non existent mass fascist movement. In the US, with the changing ethnic makeup, the right is actively involved in voter suppression campaigns.
Bob: What about the effect of European life, on Muslims? MTV? Rock N' Roll? Flash mobs? One word: assimilation.
larry G; You have a good post at your blog.
Ross: Amen.
No I'm going to stick around so I can belittle shit like this-
Lenin was correct to do that. Its the same as why Saddam had to be killed. Nobody for the opposition to rally around.
Evidently you figure its fine to kill kids as long as its kids you approve of. If Lenin had the right to do it, then this Norwegian guy had just as much right to do it. Maybe more so.
Of course, to communists who are infatuated by the cult of personalities of their leaders, anything goes I guess.
Equating Tatiana and Anastasia, two teenage girls, to Saddam, that's about as beyond the pale as it gets.
I think that former "Randian" commentator Jason Pappas has identified the source of the problem of labelling the killer "right" wing...
Hoisting the Left on their own rhetorical petard. How the rhetoric of the Left incited a European nationalist to justify violence... ;)
Renegade Eye:
"That's you in a nutshell. There is the carrot and the stick. You're the carrot."
A rather odd and cryptic comment following on from an independent poll commissioned by 'Searchlight.'
My only agenda is to secure the best possible future for my children and my kin, and the trajectory we are currently on is diametrically opposed to that.
You of all people should know by now Renegade Eye, I never state anything that I can't prove as fact.
"Lenin was correct to do that."
You cant be serious, surely?
He was right to have children shot and bayoneted to death?
"Its the same as why Saddam had to be killed"
Saddam was judiciously executed after a trial, which appeared to be reasonably fair to me - massive difference.
"What questions were asked in these poles?"
Its the answers that bother you, Bob, not the questions, is it not? You appear to be going for the 'the poll is unscientific' route?
Well, for what its worth, this one is up there with the top independent ones and uses only peer accepted polling techniques.
You can read it for yourself:
YouGov Poll
Incidentally, where are the links for the poll / study that proves your statement "the vast majority of people in Europe have no problem with multiculturalism?
Because it doesn't tally with the poll above, nor this one from Norway:
"An increasing number of Norwegians are opposed to immigration ... 53.7 per cent wants a stop to immigration ..."
Norwigan News
"Pretending that immigrants are the cause of any problem in Western Society is the height of bigotry and ignorance."
Actually, pretending they are not despite the overwhelming evidence is the height of bigotry and ignorance.
Where do we start, Bob? The issue is so massive and wide-ranging where do we begin? Norway?
First off, in Oslo every rape assault in the past five years has been committed by a non-western immigrant:
Norwegian News Report
Following on from this 10 years ago:
" Two out of three charged with rape in Norway's capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily."
Norwegian News Report
"If we look at youth under the age of 19 charged with crimes in Oslo, immigrants are unfortunately largely overrepresented. In certain Oslo districts - Furuset, Stovner and Gamle Oslo - gang criminality has a grip."
Norwegian News Report
" Four times more crime in Oslo than New York ... Oslo had the highest rate per person in Scandinavia in terms of reported crimes, with 90 reported crimes per 1,000 ... The Oslo police are blaming the increase on an influx of East Europeans"
Norwegian News Report
I'll reply tomorrow.
Ren -
You're far too polite to these scumbags.
"First off, in Oslo every rape assault in the past five years has been committed by a non-western immigrant"
- Utter fucking bullshit. You're so thick you even use a (biased) source that contradicts the "every" part of your hate spew. And of course conveniently ignoring how police attitudes to minorities may slant these figures.
And what exactly is this 'culture' you love 'Speedy J'? Venuzuelan? You seem to be whining about Chavez all the time. Or Obama. Or Norway. Or something. Maybe you're culture's simply "brain-dead asshole on the internet". You should take over an island or something. Non-violently of course - we all know what peacenicks you right-wing psychos are, eh?
"Marx's Russian revolution"?
- I believe Marx was dead long before it was twinkle in Lenin's eye, jerkoff. You may also find that the deaths in Egypt were at the hands of military, asspaste.
"I AM blaming European policies towards Muslim immigration."
- Yeah, that's right. European govts better start listening to murdering psycho losers with Rambo fantasies (it seems there's a lot of them about, like Sentinel), or there'll be hell to pay! Keep it Christian to appease child murderers! That great laost voter base. Anyone up for blaming feminism, then? Those gals better be nicer to mass murderers - they have needs to. Fucking morons.
Yeah, that's right. European govts better start listening to murdering psycho losers with Rambo fantasies
I'd be satisfied if European governments just listened to their people. You know, each individual European nation listening to each of its individual citizens. That is instead of trying to enforce an EU one-size-fits-all policy that might be all right with the citizens of some European nations, not so much with others.
And if they don't do that? Yeah, shit might happen. I might not give a fuck if it does.
You may also find that the deaths in Egypt were at the hands of military, asspaste.
At least six of those deaths were self-immolations.
And how many cops/Egyptian military are in this picture, birdsh*t 4 brains?
You think that the cops/military were the ONLY ones supporting the Mubarek regime? And you think that the cops/military in Egypt never had to DEFEND themselves from VIOLENT PROTESTERS? You really are dumb. It's not the cops that are going to kill you when you try and overthrow your government. It's the right wing patriot in civilian garb blending into the mob behind you that's going to slip the knife between your ribs.
Never forget. The cops/military are there doing a job. The patriot right will be there to crush your skull and make sure you never make it home (some more successful than others).
You don't have a clue as to what the word "revolution" means, Kaspar. If one ever breaks out in your home town, I recommend that you stay home... ;)
As per usual the truth, these blog rules and you part company the moment you post a comment.
First off, allow me to explain to you how a blog debate works:
The host posts an article, people express their opinions and present their supporting facts and then those that don't agree counter with their own facts to either disprove or add more to the debate.
That is the process of a debate - the raison d'être of a blog comments box.
What doesn't constitute a debate is a permanent state of pantomime rage, emulating a faeces throwing monkey, screaming abuse, lying through your teeth and demanding censorship for dissenting discourse.
That piece of education out of the way, again you embarrass yourself totally with your rank dishonesty and gross stupidity:
It seems absurd that I would have to point this out, but the first link refers to the police report revealing that every rape assault in the last 5 years was committed by a non-western immigrant - it is as clear as it gets - and then the second link quite clearly states the position 10 years previous.
You really are immensely stupid.
But your appalling comprehension aside, your ludicrous and paper thin dishonesty is abundantly clear once again as the second link is from those charged with an offence - rape - and therefore cannot be 'biased' but only fact, and secondly you make yet another one of your demented, outlandish and unsubstantiated claims again:
" ... conveniently ignoring how police attitudes to minorities may slant these figures ... "
1) Prove that the Norwegian police have any such attitudes.
2) Explain how the police are able to charge people for rape if no rape took place, there was no victim to complain and no evidence to prosecute?
Again, everything you say is just hate-filled ignorance of the lowest order.
But seeing as you are clearly interested, Kasper, lets look at another country, close to Norway and their extremely similar experiences:
This from 10 years ago:
"Alarmed at last week's police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organisations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls"
Danish Report
Almost identical to the Oslo situation 10 years ago, and look where Oslo is now with this horrendous crime.
"... a 1998 Justice Ministry survey on crime ... found that immigrants were over-represented by an average of 46 per cent. In addition, the recent publication of a report from the Copenhagen police shows that 47.5 per cent of prisoners on remand for serious crimes such as murder, attempted murder and rape come from immigrant backgrounds."
Danish report
Do you want to learn the reality in lots of other countries, Kasper?
Looks like Pagan's really gone off the rails this time.
As regards Sentinel, once quite an ardent follower of Nazism, he’s still not understood how the Far Right always tries to capitalise on a crisis by scapegoating this minority or that minority. Funny that, as the resident expert on the Nazi’s past exploits you would think he was well placed to understand that. Alas, no.
Although it’s nice of him to roundly condemn what happened, he should be aware that the writing of idiots like Fjordman are in close relationship to Anders Dickhead’s ‘thinking’…
Aha Gert is here. That makes sense. Explains the anonymous and sock puppet comments perfectly - Kasper it may not have been you after all.
You really could learn lots of underhand tricks from Gert and he may even outdo you in outright lying and dementedness. He is another one who loves to smear without substance too - he can't back up any single one of his claims either. It is for these reasons he is banned from many blogs, including the UK's biggest one, and generally hated - quite literally - across blogsphere.
That and his virulent anti-Semitism, of course.
Just to complete the tragedy, he has a complete detachment with reality also. He will tell you black is white and night is day if it doesn't fit into his narrow, hate-filled, bigoted little agenda.
What he can't do is present any facts to support his absurd horseshit. Or any logic. Or any decency. You will notice, of course, that he doesn't attempt to take on facts here - he can't - he goes straight into what he does best: Hysterical baseless smearing.
A little glimpse of all of these elements we can see when you consider that Breivik quoted everyone from Shakespeare to Jeremy Clarkson, John Locke to Immanuel Kant, and even dear old John Stuart Mill.
But no, in Gert's tiny little mind, only Fjordman screams out of the page. Fits the agenda, you see.
Another case in point, Gert loves to smear Fjordman, but never dared debate with him. Oh no.
Firstly Gert doesn't do debate, he does screaming ad hom; and secondly he would get ripped apart and he knows it. I rip him apart ever time he posts.
Hence the screaming ad hom in lieu.
The 'left' must be so proud of such ludicrous creature.
The 'right' are certainly grateful.
the Far Right always tries to capitalise on a crisis by scapegoating this minority....
...whilst the Far Left capitalizes by scapegoating the majority and making overmuch of the fact that the prevailing majority won their place in the world by defending their borders and preventing themselves from being over-run by external barbarians.
Machiavelli (On War) understood that the barbarian fertlity rate dictates that they will ALWAYS exceed their own national resources and invade their neighbors.
Did a Nazi doctor once remove the top of your skull, and replace your brain with a paper bag of severed rats' dicks? I think I can hear them wriggling from here.
Also, methinks he protested a bit too much about Breivak's murders. Maybe he got guilty over the 'trouser rumble' he got when he heard the news? I hear that Nazis can have some peculiar sexual fantasies...
Pagan's practically posting terrorist demands to European governments here, so better be careful. As soon as he sorts out those hemorrhoids (on the other side of his ass. His head didn't leave any room, especially with that pointy helmet), world watch out! He'd make a good human cannonball anyway.
As for Speedy - sufferin' succotash, you're a fuckwad. I hope you've been sterilized already. Ask Sentinel or Pagan if they know Dr. Mengele's address.
See my new post.
I'm tired.
Thanks Kasper, you prove all my points.
You have nothing but demented bluster. Well at least you now know you were entirely wrong - once again - and the reality of mass immigration, as illustrated by fact, not soundbite.
Pos 1948 mass immigration has been an unmitigated disaster, most especially for the working class and that is the truth.
You keep on with your hate-filled delusions Kasper - it won't prevent the reality of this insane folly from reaching more and more people as it spreads like a cancer and touches their lives.
I notice we also lost Bob at the point that reality entered the picture too.
My work is done.
For someone who up to very recently couldn’t spell ‘ad hominem’, yet accuse everybody of using ad hom, you open with a very nasty piece of it:
”Aha Gert is here. That makes sense. Explains the anonymous and sock puppet comments perfectly - Kasper it may not have been you after all.”
For the record: I have NEVER, not here, not anywhere else, not now, not in the past, not in the future commented using an alias or as a anon. Contrary to Sentisick my actual name is well known in the community and I don’t hide behind anything. On my own blog anonymous commenting isn’t allowed precisely to avoid those who like playing games with multiple ‘identities’. So that’s a vile accusation from what amounts to be a card carrying Neonazi.
I’m also currently not banned from a single blog, not the ‘biggest one in the UK’ either. Sentiflop’s logic here is priceless though: when occasionally one of his comments is deleted here he screams blue murder but when another blogger is perceived to be banned then that’s a good thing in Senticunt’s invert-o-world…
”He will tell you black is white and night is day if it doesn't fit into his narrow, hate-filled, bigoted little agenda.”
Thankfully what is black to you is white to me and vice versa. But that’s true for most people: Sent is part of a minority of about 3.
”A little glimpse of all of these elements we can see when you consider that Breivik quoted everyone from Shakespeare to Jeremy Clarkson, John Locke to Immanuel Kant, and even dear old John Stuart Mill.”
Now he’s playing l’ingenue again. He knows very well why I brought up Fjordman. Sentinel admires Fjordman and Fjordman, Gates of Vienna and another handful of Ultra Far Right cretins support Anders Dickhead’s views, albeit perhaps without the massacring component. That makes it poignant to anyone with a brain.
As regards debating Fjordman: get real, son. Who but a handful of devotees would want to debate with an anonymous and super-marginal fantasist who gets a hard on at the thought of the ‘Nordic Race’ and w*nks off to the desired future removal of all perceived untermenschen and other undesirables?
”Hence the screaming ad hom in lieu.”
Is French not a little too sophisticated for a Neanderthal like you?
On a positive note, if that coterie of nutters that support Anders Dickhead’s views think they’ve achieved anything they should NOW join the reality based community: Norway for instance isn’t going to be bamboozled into anything Anders, Fjordman and Sentimengele were militating for.
Speedy G:
”...whilst the Far Left capitalizes by scapegoating the majority and making overmuch of the fact that the prevailing majority won their place in the world by defending their borders and preventing themselves from being over-run by external barbarians.”
That could work (in a logical sense) if you were a majority. You’re not: even in the abject underbelly of Conservative America you’re an oddball blowhard. Nothing more.
...charged the "poofter majority" member. lol!
Gert - once again you didn't address one single point. You don't debate. You never did.
Just more 'argument for the sake of argument' and more 'attacking' your 'opponents humanity' with yet more baseless smears. Its who you are, its what you do.
You are a cunt, Gert. Pure and simple - I really wouldn't count on an invite to the hosts new blog: You and the new resident nutter are very much a part of the problem.
The lunatic content of his 'rebuttals':
"Did a Nazi doctor once remove the top of your skull, and replace your brain with a paper bag of severed rats' dicks? I think I can hear them wriggling from here."
And yours followed pretty much the same vein.
You have never come here for debate, you have came here to scream at dissenters and work out all your anger, quite safely over a DSL cable. You are quite clearly unwell.
You trolled my blog non-stop for years and then went on to make all sorts of disgusting threats towards my family and you pissed all over this mans blog and his rules for years and yes, trolled it with sock puppets and 'anonymous' comments, just as you did with mine.
This blog very clearly existed for open debate, not for screaming abuse, and the lack of it combined with the sheer dementedness of the responses in lieu (see above) is enough to tire anyone out.
I love the 'I am not currently banned from any blog' bit too. Did make me chuckle. And Clinton never did have sexual relations with that woman either.
But you are banned from Harry's Place for your repeated anti-Semitic attacks, with the straw that broke the camels back being the vile sexual and anti-Semitic abuse of a women on said blog. Then there is MadZionist, Modernity, BEAJ and so on and so forth.
You are pretty much hated everywhere.
You don't have to agree with me or anyone else - I really couldn't give a fuck and I can't think a bigger irrelevance in my life - but to think you can scream, smear and ban your way to 'victory' is delusional. And has led to your universal hatred.
All across the 'west', people are starting to emerge from the slumber and decades long emotive blackmail, people are starting to see the reality of the direction we are heading in and that it can only ultimately lead to their complete supplanting and replacement.
The immediate effects are enough for many who don't have that foresight. Oslo is 30% non-western already, and of course, already resembles a non-western country in every way possible.
It was always going to. A country is an expression of its people.
The fact that every rape assault in Oslo in the past 5 years has been committed by a non-western immigrant has opened many eyes. So too has the levels of crime 4 times higher then that of New York. And the new gang crime and shootings, stabbings and muggings that come with it - all virtually unheard of in poor old Norway till 'enrichment' came to town.
Ditto Sweden - with the added enrichment factor of fireman and ambulance crews having to wear bullet proof vests and Kevlar helmets to protect themselves from the inevitable attacks in immigrant areas, and of course their ultimate refusal to service these areas at all if at all avoidable. And after Rosengard police station was shot up a couple of weeks ago, the police now have to have security to secure the police station.
Again, all unheard of in poor old Sweden till 'enrichment' came to town.
And so on, and so on, and so on.
These are the facts - the reality - that you have to scream down.
Nationalist parties are already making extraordinary ground - despite entire state and federal machinery against them - in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland etc etc etc
And it will continue as you continue to spit your bile and direct your considerable hatred at these brave and decent people who risk ruin to stand up for themselves, their families and their future.
You will gawk in amazement and incredulity because you are such a fucking coward you have chosen the safest, whitest little town you could to escape the grinding shithole existence experienced by others in the 'enriched cities' - you are such a fucking coward and hypocrite you deliberately don't live amongst the results of what you hysterically scream for.
And neither do our overlords. Not fucking one of them. If they had to live on a council estate in Peckham, Hackney or Brixton they would soon change their tune.
Reality is a fucker. Gets in the way of all that delusional emoting.
But anyway, the one good thing here is that it is good fucking riddance to you.
Goodbye Gertrude, you have been, and remain a complete and utter cunt.
”You trolled my blog non-stop for years and then went on to make all sorts of disgusting threats towards my family and you pissed all over this mans blog and his rules for years and yes, trolled it with sock puppets and 'anonymous' comments, just as you did with mine.”
A complete and utter lie. Show me just one (ONE!) abusive comment I made over at your cesspit. Just ONE. I on the other hand can certainly show what kind of abusive nonsense you posted over at mine. Because they’re still there…
You’re a contemptuous liar, manipulator and the worst case of racist I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Debating with you? It’d feel like scraping cow dung off the soles of my shoes.
This blog’s been an oasis for you: you wouldn’t be welcome other than at Far Right White Supremacist Clown sites… I wonder where you’ll show up next but it’s unlikely to be where I am.
As regards the popularity of the Far Right? An imbecile like you doesn’t know the political pendulum always swings and it’s certainly beginning to swing back. Anders Dickhead’s views, ardently supported by fantasists like you, Fjordman, Baron Bodissey et al, have been dealt a serious blow. You can kiss goodbye to increased popularity of extremist ideas…
No lie, Gert and every regular here knows it. It was the reason I closed down my blog - I don't censor but I wont tolerate threats to my family either. It wasn't just you, but it was you as well.
You don't debate because you can't debate and every single word above is true.
You pissed all over this blog - not me. I debate and do so with facts. You scream abuse and troll.
Its your default response to dissent, and I have proved so time and time here with dozens, if not hundreds, of examples your screaming troll abuse on other blogs and dozens, if not hundreds, of examples of other bloggers calling you out for the demented troll you are.
You know it. I know it. And so does every regular here.
There has been no blow dealt to decent honest people and decent honest politics. Its all in your mind - its all part of the disgusting political exploitation out of a crazy mans crimes that lowlife scum like you salivate over.
The biggest terror and killer today remains of the Islamic variety, what happened in Norway has never happened in Norway and on balance of probability never will again. Not by Norwegians at any rate.
Breivik was a Freemason, pro-gay, pro-Zionist Nordic murdering nutcase and psychotic murderers like him exist and emerge every now and again. That is all there is to it.
Nationalism will continue unabated because Breivik was a sole criminal with extreme mental issues.
Nationalism addresses human beings natural tribal desires and outlooks - hence the reason nations existed in the first place, and have always existed in one shape, form or fashion.
You are full of hate and full of shit and couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.
As for racist - you are the most prolific and vile anti-Semite I have every encountered, and I am hardly alone in that. Hence all the blogs you are banned from. I am banned from none.
It has been my pleasure to demolish you and your delusional horseshit repeatedly and expose you for what you:
A mentally deranged troll with nothing to offer but abuse, smears and non-stop lies.
Ahh, good times. I'm going to miss it.
Gert holds the only opinion acceptable. Gert holds the only point of view permissible. Gert is infallible.
But if Gert finds out that other opinions exist, if Gert finds out other points of view exist, then Gert will scream abuse, Gert will hysterically smear and Gert will demand censorship and banning until the opinion Gert doesn't like is silenced.
That is Gert in a nutshell.
Its all been said here. Its all been done here.
And now its all over here.
Sentinel -
You brain-dead Nazi fuck. All you have are accusations of "racist" and inflate your "dissent" as if you have anything remotely intersting to say. Then you give the game away with your rambling multi-para waffle about Breivik being a 'pro-gay' freemason, covering up the fact that he talks pretty much the same shit as you. The usual Nazi gibberish about 'decent people' rising up against people who aren't as white and Nazi as them. With a bunch of lies and accusations about anyone who sees clearly what a deluded blowhard shit-for-brains you are (ie. about 99.9% of Earth's population). The old Mein Kampf rhetoric.
You really are lower than the unidentified mollusc I wiped onto the welcome mat this evening. Seriously, you need to check back into mental hospital. Before you start stalking bloggers again, next time you lose the lead from your pencil. I guess you'd blame 'non-western' people if you got arrested. But then knowing what scum of your ilk are like, I doubt your Nazi pals would care much if you got chucked in jail. In fact the swastika crew would probably put you in a dress to enjoy your 'argument' in the cells. I'm sure they'd even be bored by your droning whining too. Maybe your pal the Mexican mouse will help you clean up afterwards.
^^ *Off his Meds, again* ^^
Or parked outside my house?!
This clown is now having to imagine me in a dress now as some sort of reaction to being exposed as a fool (again) who can't even follow some links - nor of course back up even one of his absurd claims (again.)
But seeing as he is so interested, I really should educate him on the realities in more countries too. Lets stay close: Sweden. They have been very enriched also.
TV News Report
Once Sweden was a very safe, progressive liberal democracy with the most sexually liberated people on the planet.
Now, 20 years on after mass immigration they have a huge problem with crime and the biggest rape problem in Europe; in fact an EU report reveals that Sweden has twice as many rapes as its nearest contender, the UK.
Swedish Report
Of course, what it doesn't tell you is the reality of these figures, which is that the statistics proved that a rapist was four times more likely to have been born abroad – with Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominating the group of rape suspects and also that immigrants are responsible for 25% of all crime in Sweden.
Swedish Report
Swedish Report
In fact, since Sweden started its mass immigration programme, the cases of rape have quadrupled and the cases of the RAPE OF CHILDREN – that is under 15 year olds – is SIX– 6 – times higher, then it was 20 years ago.
Swedish Report
And given that the Swedish "leaders" know why what do you think the response is:
Yip, they want to import MORE.
The fantastic absurdity of the PC mindset and the acknowledgment of where it will all lead can be gathered by the statement of Jens Orback, the then Swedish Immigration Minster:
“We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”
“We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”
Absolutely incredible, and the absurdity is heightened by the fact that people are more concerned about the actions of one deranged man than they are about the PC environment which is slowly but surely murdering an entire continent and its entire culture.
I'd better stop at that before I say something that would piss everybody the fuck off.
“We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”
Nietzsche, "GoM"
—this abhorrence of the senses, of reason itself, this fear of happiness and beauty, this longing for the beyond away from all appearance, change, becoming, death, desire, even longing itself—all this means, let’s have the courage to understand this, a will to nothingness, an aversion to life, a revolt against the most fundamental preconditions of life—but it is and remains a will! . . . And to finish up by repeating what I said at the beginning: man will sooner will nothingness than not will . . .
Another mind blowing quote comes from 2001 when the rape explosion in Norway really took off.
Oslo University Professor of social anthropology, Unni Wikan, said this:
“Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative.
The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”
”No lie, Gert and every regular here knows it. It was the reason I closed down my blog - I don't censor but I wont tolerate threats to my family either. It wasn't just you, but it was you as well.”
You’re a liar and a fantasist. I commented regularly at your cesspit and never saw anyone commenting there anonymously, let alone ‘threaten’ the inbreeds you call your family. How ON EARTH could anyone actually THREATEN YOU when you blog completely ANONYMOUSLY???? Explain that to me, Agent 000.
And someone who’d order the deportation of anyone who isn’t blond or British enough for his taste should perhaps not harp on too much about feeling ‘threatened’, huh?
Assume, for argument’s sake, that Anders ‘I heart Sentinel’ Breivik was gay. So what?
As regards mentally ill? I bet you a grand he won’t be found mentally ill because he isn’t (if he is so are you). You can blame that on ‘cultural marxism’, immigrants, gays, blacks, Muslims and ‘the left’ too.
I wonder sometimes if you’re actually real or some kind of an amusing spoof. Alf Garnett to the power 17, something like that…
Oh Gertrude, back again - seen more facts you don't like and have to do some screaming distraction to?
Yet another post of lying shit and unbridled hate. Its who you are, it what you do.
I have said everything I have to say to you, you lowlife cunt.
So I think we should just let the hundreds of other bloggers you have trolled, stalked, threatened and racially abused do the talking again, and let everyone see just how far and wide your trolling hatefest goes - till the lights go out.
This one ends in a rather amusing ditty which sketches out Gertrude's demented schizophrenic worldview, his virulent anti-Semitism as well as his parasitic social security sponging - as if it would surprise anyone that this mental shitbag is unemployable.
But Gert should be laughed at. He is ludicrous.
It came in reaction to Gert-rude's favourite pastime: Anti-Semitism and the abuse of Jews online:
Now the whole post is about Gert and his obsession and littered with spot-on observations such as this one Modenity (another blog Gert-rude is banned from):
"Having dealt with Gert before I fully understand your attitude, he’s a crank and not a very funny one at that."
But it is this one from Nick K that steals the show:
Dearly beloved,
We are gathered here today, to mourn the virtual passing of Bridlington’s finest, our much-loved Gert.
Gert got picked on by a gang of Jews, and never recovered – bless him.
Still his capitulation to the sons of Moses with their longish noses, and his inability to answer their fundamental queries pertaining to his comments about “other colossal mistake nations,” and his moronic oxymoronic “anti-Zionist supporters of Israel” leaves one wanting more of the same, if not for the intellect and integrity then at least for the entertainment value.
But this tit-for-tat bickering has got out of hand so let’s tone it down a notch or two and lighten the mood with a little ditty I have composed that shows that, while I have no doubt about his motives, I harbor no ill-feeling towards Gert.
While selective or even near blanket criticism of a country’s policies can be legitimate and rooted in honor, Gert’s crass questioning of Israel’s very existence is nothing less than ontological genocide, the harbinger of its physical cousin.
I have endearingly dubbed this ditty “BELGIUM WAFFLE SS” about an entirely fictitious Belgian blogger, Bert . . .
A Jew hating blogger called Bert
Had the Jews rub his nose in the dirt
He got quite annoyed
When called unemployed
That unemployed bugger called Bert
Get off your arse and work Bert
You claim benefits you do not deserve
From Belgium obscurity
To social security
Unscrupulous scrounger called Bert
That Israel basher called Bert
Is nothing more than inert
Little else can he do
Than spit hate at the Jew
Belgium waffle SS man called Bert
I’ll tell you a thing about Bert
He’s a Nazi without the black shirt
Less emblematic
But still a fanatic
That goose-stepping trooper called Bert
But there’s a dark side to fun-loving Bert
He is really a hard-core pervert
By his own admissions
He loves Belgium traditions
Please bugger me silly said Bert
So the party animal called Bert
Put on high heels, mascara and skirt
The red lights went on
He sucked off a Jon
Now gainfully employed is Bert
"The wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed during this past year is part of a “war against the Swedes.” This is the explanation given by young robbers from immigrant backgrounds when questioned about why they only rob native Swedes, in interviews with Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology.
“I read a report about young robbers in Stockholm and Malmö and wanted to know why they rob other youths. It usually does not involve a lot of money,” she says. She interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years old, both individually and in groups.
Almost 90% of all robberies reported to the police were committed by gangs, not individuals. “When we are in the city and robbing we are waging a war, waging a war against the Swedes.”
This argument was repeated several times. “Power for me means that the Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” The boys explain, laughingly, that “there is a thrilling sensation in your body when you’re robbing, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels as if you’ve succeeded, it simply feels good.” “It’s so easy to rob Swedes, so easy.” “We rob every single day, as often as we want to, whenever we want to.”
The immigrant youth regard the Swedes as stupid and cowardly: “The Swedes don’t do anything, they just give us the stuff. They’re so wimpy.”…
Swedish report
HaHa I love that poem, I just copied it and I'm going to save it for my files this time. I might even post it.
Yes that is a very good poem, sums up Gert-rude perfectly with the added bonus of doing it in way that thoroughly mocks Gert-rude as he should be thoroughly mocked.
The best way to deal with lunatics and fanatics is by mocking them.
That and to sum up their game as succinctly as possible:
Another blogger on Gertrude - yet another one that Gertrude has trolled, and racially abused - and another blog Gertrude is banned from for his demented, ranting, abusive racism:
"Gert's signature characteristic is his unofficial title as "King of the Ad-hominem", as anytime he is challenged by an opposing view he immediately becomes hysterical and starts running off endless streams of personal insults, childish name-calling, and obscenity-laced slurs dripping with anti-Semitism..."
Knock yourself out: sooner or later all this drivel of yours will be deleted.
Yeah, that poem. Written by a member of an Internetposse, all of them settlers from Ma’ale Adumim, so go figure. Clearly their counter-critique of anti-Zionism was laden with arguments, that much is obvious… You denounce ad hom, except when it’s used against an opponent. How righteous you are!
Let me remind you of what you think of Jews (views espoused on that blog of yours - you sure it wasn’t a bit too gory even for otherwise very tolerant Google?):
* Einstein was a plagiarist. A Classic Antisemitic Trope ™
* Jews control the media: included an obsessive count of all Jewish persons working in the American media
* Jews are responsible for the Armenian Genocide (WHAT???)
* The gas chambers were made in France (don’t ask: I didn’t get what that was about either)
* During the Shoah, most Jews had died of starvation and fatigue, not of… erm… plain old murder committed by Sentinazi’s murderous scumbags and dearest chums, his ‘finest and blondest friends’, so to speak.
All this might help explain why you’re still listed as a ‘JEW PARANOID INTERNET FREAK’ over at where you’re in the finest of company (scroll down to just below the fold).
Also quite funny is the fact that for quite a long time Senticunt was convinced I was Jewish (he wouldn’t take no for an answer), although later I was down-graded to a ‘Jew sycophant’!
He went on to proclaim he’d been engaged to the daughter of some REAL Holocausters, some low level executioners. Must have creamed his pant prematurely, getting it off with offspring of the ‘real thing’!
At some point he pulled away from the brink (on Nazism). Except: he didn’t learn anything from his experience.
Dammit Sent, you’ve been caught on camera again! (Mooslamic Rayguns!)
Gert-rude hates being exposed for the prolific, anti-Semitic hate-troll he is.
He just salivates that censorship might cover it up - well it hasn't so far, fuckwit - and there is already many permanent records of his anti-Semitic hate-trolling out here on the internet already.
Of course the hate-trolls latest post is just a stream of lies and hate-trolling, so I will let the hundreds of bloggers he hate-trolled with his hate-fest tell the real story.
But just to quickly show everyone what a causal lying troll this lowlife cunt is:
"During the Shoah, most Jews had died of starvation and fatigue, not of… erm… plain old murder committed by Sentinazi’s murderous scumbags and dearest chums, his ‘finest and blndest friends’, so to speak."
The truth?
Just three posts back on this very blog I went out of my way to prove that the Nazis murdered Jews in incredible numbers.
Oh dear.
And it pretty much says it all that Gert-rude the hate-troll cannot find anyone to dunk me in shit that hasn't already thoroughly dunked him is shit!
The blog the hate-troll erroneously cites as some sort of proof is owned by a guy called BEAJ and the blog was solely devoted to defaming dissenters, with me being just one labelled as "Mentally Ill Hypocrite From Britain."
So what does this BEAJ have to say about Gert-rude the hate-troll, here on this very blog ...
“Gert, you are a twisted demented individual.
As for me lying. Pulease, show my one lie. Just one.
And no need to complain to anyone. You aren't important.”
... and ...
"“Wow Gert. Thanks for telling me what I'm all about. You haven't a clue.
I notice that comments on your blog have gone south since you showed your viewers that you finally lost your sense of fairness and decency. And you have lost all but your lunatic fringe faithful…
You've lost it Gert. I'm surprised News From the West or David Duke hasn't taken any of your material yet.”
... he calls Gert-rude out for the anti-Semite, hate-troll and casual liar he is!
Oh dear.
If you later retracted what you said about the Shoah, then that’s fine (even applauded) by me. But you said what you said AT THAT TIME. Even imbeciles like you eventually cotton on that Holocaust denial or minimising (or ridiculing) isn’t really cool.
BEAJ is a Zionist and blatant Arabophobe (you should get on well together). He’s also a hothead and a total airhead, something else you two have in common. He’s blamed ‘Saudi Arabia’s low general IQ’ (totally unproved, of course) on ‘inbreeding’, claimed ‘Arabs have never built anything’, compares Muslim immigrants in Toronto to Zionists (all the while condemning the former and supporting the latter! See his latest brainfart.) He also claimed that ‘atheists are underrepresented in the penal system’. He’s a twisted f*ck and a crashing bore to boot.
The fact remains that while my blog stands on on the normal blogroll, yours was assigned to that, erm… special place! Down there with some of the sickest individuals imaginable.
BEAJ, incidentally, was the guy who drew my attention to your Alf Garnett like existence. That guy hates you with a vengeance. And with good reason… IIRW he found you on one the American White Supremacist sites, some of these brothers of yours occasionally posted on your cesspit. I remember one guy inviting you to join a march against ‘Caucasocide’. He was too demented to realise you were in Albion and he in the US! Funny how yours and BEAJ’s views now at least overlap!
As regards Mad Zionist, could you possibly find an example of a Jewish Zionist Supremacist and transferist to boot? This guy declared that ‘Islam is a terrorist organisation’ and dreams of establishing a ‘Judaic Empire’. O-kaayy, right up your street, I guess…
Regards Modernity blog: on his blog he declared ‘in anti-Zionism, Zionism stands for Jews’ (look up ‘Reverend Sizer’ on his blog). In other words, any criticism of the State of Israel (not the same as ‘the Jews’) is automatically and reflexively dismissed as ‘Jew hatred’. The difference between you and me (where to start??) is that I’m willing to take the flak on sites like that for defending the rights of Palestinians to exist and share their homeland with Zionist Jews, whereas you seem to think you’re changing the world by blogging on a blog like Ren’s, someone who for some reason or other tolerates the vilest racist claptrap, thereby inadvertently providing a free soapbox for the likes of you and Pagan… He doesn’t like moderation: okay, everything’s got downsides, I guess…
In the mean time more interesting details are being unearthed about links between Anders ‘I fancy Sentinel something rotten’ Breivik and British Far Right loons… Paul Ray is now definitely crapping himself (but then he always had a bit of a weak constitution - Chickenheart - not Lionheart). Perhaps he could seek asylum in the US again? Oh, no: wait, they didn’t buy his story first time around either!
Islam might not technically be a "terrorist" organization, going by the technical meaning of such a term, but it is, in addition to being a religion, much more than that. It is indeed an expansionist, supremacist, totalitarian, and militant political ideology, and arguably a racist one to boot.
Like everyone else, I've stopped reading Gert-rude the hate-troll's boring lying posts.
In fact I very much doubt I am going to read one more word from this hate-troll as it is always lies, unsubstantiated smears and quite often racist abuse too.
Instead, every time I see this hate-troll has posted, I will simply post another comment about Gert-rude made by the hundreds of blogs and bloggers that Gert-rude has hate-trolled.
So this exasperated blogger - on another blog Gert-rude is banned - gives one of the best summations of Gert-rude I have ever seen:
“Well, Gert, we may be pathetic, but at least we read what we're commenting on before hurling insults, unlike yourself.
I don't think you even understand the issues here. I don't think you have any philosophical point of view on the subject, Gert. You're just another cultist, trained to point at heretics and chant slogans, my friend. You see a trigger, your mouth opens, out comes the pre-programmed denunciation.
Yes, your kind of "liberalism" (an offence to the meaning of the world "liberal") is a cult. Just like scientology, or the moonies, or the various fundamentalisms. You're trained not to think for yourself, to argue always by authority, to cut yourself off from non-believers, only venturing among them to cause dismay or to try to proselytise. And your only weapon, devoid as you are of logical support for your belief system, is to shout the heretic down. Condemn her with a word. "Racist!" you shout, and the heretic is cast out.
And under it all, you're terrified that you may be wrong. You pour over your pamphlets and your websites, bolstering your beliefs like somebody squinting at the quaran before beating his wife. But you don't think about anything. You never question what you beleive (for fear you may come to doubt it). And as we see, you don't even bother to consider the heretics' words before condemning them.
Oooh, we have "racist tendencies". But strangely, ye who would condemn every white person on the planet, even the unborn are completely devoid of racism.
Be daring, Gert. Do something you've never dared to do before. Consider and analyse your own beliefs and dare, just for a second, to consider that you may be wrong.”
As the article above shows, many Muslims actually believe they are at war with the people in their host country and act accordingly.
This certainly explains what is happening to poor old Sweden - once one of the safest, most civilised countries in the world, now reduced to this below.
Note the last articles contortions and code word of 'youths'!
“After months of suffering through thrown rocks and threats directed at his squadron during numerous calls to the Rosengård neighbourhood in Malmö, local fire chief Henrik Persson said on Tuesday he is stepping down from his post…
Firefighters and police officers have long been subject to thrown rocks and threats on calls to
the predominantly immigrant neighbourhood
,with fire fighters working to introduce measures to make their jobs safer.
“At a recent meeting a police officer said we need to be ready to have Molotov cocktails thrown at us,” he said.”
Swedish Report
"Firemen in Rosengård are forced to acquire helmets
One has to weigh the risk of a fire spreading to the risks for our personnel”
Rosengård firemen are forced to wear helmets with visors and borrow military bullet-proof vests. “We have reinforced our cars, but they have suffered substantial damage anyway.”
“Every day we have an alarm from Rosengård, and we never know what will happen. We want the police in place beforehand. If there’s no risk of the fire spreading, we often don’t go there at all…”
“Many fires are set just to get us there. Firemen from Jägersro fire station are now equipped with special helmets that protect the face and neck.
Last winter, when it was the worst, we were forced to borrow bullet-proof vests from the military.”
One senior colleague has quit the force, as he did not feel he could guarantee his men’s safety. Several others have asked to be transferred to service elsewhere.”
Swedish report
"Malmö police station attacked by gunfire
At 4:29 a.m. police on location alerted us about the gunshots," Hanna Berndtsson, Skåne police information officer, told the TT news agency.
No one was physically injured by the shooting.
"There were police officers on the second floor of the building, but the shots were fired towards the first floor, so there were no injuries."
Security at the police station has now been tightened, and a forensic investigation squad is on location to find out what happened...
Rosengård, centrally located in Malmö, is an area commonly associated with social difficulties, and has been the place of several riots and clashes between local youths and authorities in recent years."
Swedish report
Ah yes. From Moonbattery, the website dedicated almost exclusively to 'liberal bashing'. That's where its name comes from after all.
Full with Islamophobes, Ultra American Conservative Cretins and assorted crackpots. Pagan would be right at home.
I suggest you [Sent] go and present your views on Jews and your other Nazi credentials over there and see what reaction you will get.
Oh, I forget: Sentinel only comments here. But where in the future, eh?
Another exasperated blogger and another blog Gert-rude the hate-troll is banned from.
This exchange follows on from Gert-rude being banned by the UK's biggest blog for the disgusting sexual and racist abuse of a woman.
Do me a favour, FUCK off.
I have NO time for Far Righters like you. Clear enough?
Now FUCK off.”
I have Moonbattery on my blog roll, and I have commented there too. A very good blog that isn't afraid to tell the truth about what's really going on in the world.
That explains why Gert-rude hate-trolled it then.
I certainly agree with the brilliantly succinct, yet so concise summation of Gert-rude posted on there - the little hate-bitch was way over his head and got slapped back into his box.
What’s really funny about that Moonbattery quote is that the commenter dishes up one great straw man. He’s not responding to anything I said. My comment was extremely short and in no way offensive to anyone:
”The term racism is definitely overused, but to say that using it is racist in itself is simply absurd: racism does exist, no question about it.
Would you also say that users of the (also overused) term anti-Semitism are racists too? I thought not...”
In what way does it justify the reaction by ‘Ian from the EUSSR’…
When I see the term 'EUSSR' I know what time it is. Moonbattery could be an interesting site if it wasn’t for characters like Ian.
I’ve also seen a commenter blame ‘da Joos’ for voting for Obama. ‘The Jews never know what’s good for them, f*ck’em’
Charming folk...
No doubt, someone else is in the wrong here.
Its everyone else, see.
Not Gert-rude and his hate-trolling.
So far you've called me: 1)complete and partisan idiot, 2)You're a crackpot, 3)racist imbecile.
What you haven't done is to offer any kind of reasoned debate.
I don't see why this sort of discourse is your only recourse. Surely, a person who holds themself in the regard you seem to hold yourself can do better than to emulate a feces throwing monkey.”
I'd rather the Left continued acting like feces throwing monkeys. For one thing, it only makes them look bad, and for another thing, it gives us the perfect right to respond in kind, which you have to admit can be loads of fun. The beauty of it is, when we do it, the left doesn't have any right to complain, nor can they without looking like complete and utter morons, to say nothing of hypocrites.
They never let Trotsky know, until after it over.
Lenin was correct to do that. Its the same as why Saddam had to be killed. Nobody for the opposition to rally around.
If this was so "correct", then why didn't they consult Trotsky, then #2 person in the Soviet government ?
And tsar's family's death didn't prevent Russians from rallying around Denikin and Wrangel. The civil war lasted until 1922, four years after the execution. So Lenin wasn't correct to do that. Instead of eliminating a symbol, he created a martyr.
In today's Russia, many defend Stalin (because he defeated Hitler in WWII), but nobody defends Lenin and his decision to eliminate the tsar and his family (who have been declared saints by the Russian Orthodox Church).
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