I'm lucky having a strong team of writers on my blog; such as the nightmare to Islamism and capitalism from Iran originally Maryam Namazie, and the fighter against both Zionism and Arab reaction Marxist from Lebanon. Today I'm introducing from Buenos Aires, Argentina Marie Trigona.
The vanguard of the struggle against capitalism is now in Latin America. I was looking for a writer, to cover events there, when I discovered Marie Trigona's blog. The first post I read was about abortion in Argentina. I not only liked her post and writing, I also admired her bravery, to touch that subject there. Marie is also very knowledgeable about the recent occupations of factories in Latin America.
Marie is a journalist, videomaker and translator. This is her Blogspot profile; I have been working for a number of years as a writer. I regularly report for Free Speech Radio News, a radio news program broadcast in the U.S.. I form part of Grupo Alavío, an Argentine video collective. My main interests include labour struggle, social movements and popular communication. For a number of years, I've been writing about Argentina's recuperated enterprises. Hopefully, one day, I'll write a book. For now, I'm producing a lot of articles, radio stories and collaborating on video projects. I also translate from Spanish to English for paid work.
Besides her Blogspot blog, she writes as a blogger for ZNET. Marie's video work is at Agora TV.RENEGADE EYE
I look forward to her input. You have assembled quite a team!
More good news. Many congratulations!
Marie welcome aboard the Eye! Congrats, Renegade...
Excellent! I look forward to reading her posts
An Argentinian perspective will certainly be interesting. I just hope that she prefers Evo Morales to Hugo Chavez....
excellent choice, a new activist like us. Well done Renegade, next thing we will end up doing our own international newspaper.
Hello everyone, sorry for disappearing that often, but studies got me exhausted and not to forget the turmoil my country is living.
Cheerios all
Welcome, Marie!
Welcome Marie. I think Renegade has a great blog here, and you will be a wonderful addition.
Congrat RE, you are building a really global perspective.
I will share this news with my Argentian friends and we'll look forward to reading Marie's contributions.
sounds like shit. no, actually sounds a bit like Mullahs of Iran
Anti Capitalism, Anti Zionism...
BullShit, sorta.
No offence, dude but why dont you just say that you are with the mullahs from the left side of the aisle?
Winston: I do take offense. Obviously you didn't read this blog.
Islamists have made threats against Maryam. Just read the Islamist forums, to find out who supports the Mullahs.
No way is this blog supportive of Islamism from the left.
Doesn't sound like Winston is vibrating up to speed yet. Marie is a wonderful writer with an important perspective. Sweet.
hmmm. I would suggest that Winston read the previous post
Hey Ren,
You need a considered opposing view! :-)
that is why he opened space for neo-cons like you and winston and sonia to write CB on the comments section. ;)
Not every blog allows comments from other views. They are moderated to keep out opposing views.
Actually the regular readers of this blog, are people not afraid of disagreement. It has been the main strength of this blog.
I'm not in total agreement with Maryam about the third camp and the need for a Leninist party, and Marie's writings are highly admired in the anarchist community. Locally the group I most associate myself with now, is similar to Marxist from Lebanon. The point isn't about agreeing. I feel I have the right to determine the general direction of the blog. My blog is actually a left coalition of people I admire, but not always agree with.
I admire principled and open minded liberal and conservative people. That was one characteristic Trotsky had, that some forget. He admired actually reactionary literature, and he wanted the Russian Revolution to be respected by conservatives.
My blog has a direction it travels on a zig-zag path.
I like the variety of perspectives from both your members and readers. I think this is a fantastic choice my good friend...
here is a glass of wine and a very warm Welcome to our new friend
if you dont want to be associated with the mullahs or islamists, then stop sounding like them.
I love your blog!
I enjoy tormenting and in some cases, a very few :-), learning from the left (dark side). I also enjoy the sanity sonia brings to some of the more esoteric and the intellegence from so many...I won't call names for fear of leaving some out or offending, but there are many.
Most of all I enjoy being right! LOL
xxI love your blog!
I enjoy tormenting and in some cases, a very few :-), learning from the left (dark side). I also enjoy the sanity sonia brings to some of the more esoteric and the intellegence from so many...I won't call names for fear of leaving some out or offending, but there are many.
Most of all I enjoy being right! LOL
Saludos a tod@s! Thank you for the warm welcome, I never knew that blogging has such reprecussions. This is great! I'm sorry for not responding to the comments or not posting. With end of the year activities around the corner, things are busier than ever. I'm also travelling to Brazil next week for a Latin American Working Class film festival. I promise to post this weekend and give myself a proper introduction. Saludos libertarios!
Welcome. I am anxious to hear some of your thoughts and commentary.
As a translater (Spanish/English) you must be aware how important it is to be impartial when choosing the proper words. This, IMHO, is a great discipline which extends to all other journalistic applications as it forces one to think objectively. This realization is a great advantage in expressing one's own personal thoughts.
Recepción a bordo
Welcome aboard
Same here, I've been very quiet lately, I've been super exhausted after some major back problems and I'm still trying to recover physically.
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