Saturday, January 09, 2010

Tango Fire

Does this look familiar?



  1. Easy On The Eye & Ear! Nice One Ren.

  2. 1:22-1:23. Wow! I would tell them to get a room, but I wouldn't mean it.

  3. Close, but not exact...

  4. Blame it on Trotsky- He started it all with that little fling with Frida Kahlo down in sunny Mexico. Now some of his followers have "degenerated" into this, 'dirty' old reprobates. First the workers state degenerates and then the individual communist. Sad.

    This blog entry should be rated PG, at least, to warn tender souls. By the way-do you plan to present anymore of this kind of material? And when? Oops, that's politically incorrect, for the staid Stalinist remnant and a few fussy feminists anyway. Thanks-Ren

  5. Wow! I love tango!

  6. A very close friend of mine is a tango dancer. I know from him first hand, even though those moves look easy, they are very very hard.

    Tango is a very sensual and a beautiful dance type. Thank you Ren.... :)

  7. Tango-fire puts on a better show than Forever Tango. FT is just too old. Modern Piazzolla pieces are very powerful on stage. FT should take note, but they have their formula and probably wont change. I still like their show regardless...

    Nevin, its not the difficulty of the step that matters, its the execution...

  8. Yeah, they are good. Very good. Great link!


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