Thursday, December 03, 2009

If You Could Only Ask One Question

I thought of a question, that if I could ask a rightist to answer, I think it would be difficult for them. In the next post, I'll ask rightists to respond to my question.

In this post I'll ask bloggers to come up with a question to ask your political opposite. It can only be one question. Keep the question serious. It is a chance to challenge your opposition in a focused manner.

If you come up with one good question, I'll eventually publish it, and plug your blog. This will be ongoing.



  1. That (itself) is a very good question,Ren. I will get my thinking cap on .It's not as easy I imagined........(which I guess is a statement rather than a question )

    *.............Scratches Head*

  2. Okay, I've got one. I'm assuming this is supposed to be for anybody that wants to answer it, so here goes-

    Should there be limited, guaranteed property rights? I'm not talking about property rights for businesses and corporations, I know you are all against that.

    I'm talking about, for example, the right to own your own home. And again, I know most of you probably have no problem with that, but I guess what I'm asking is, do you believe there should be guaranteed legally enshrined, constitutional protection of private property on a small scale, including family farms, and family homes?

  3. "Do you believe that a market can be effectively self regulating".

  4. "Do you believe that a market can be effectively self regulating".

    No. There has to be worker's and consumer protections, some environmental regulations, price-gouging laws, and very definitely there has to be laws against monopolies. If anti-trust laws were adequately and fairly enforced, however, across the board, most of the other stuff would be of minor concern, for the most part.

    The biggest problem there is the fact that our political system has itself become a monopoly of power, and too many politicians of both parties are for sell to the highest bidder. How can they enforce anti-trust legislation against corporations when they can't, and never will, regulate themselves?

  5. I'll write more later.

    This post isn't about answering questions. It is about thinking of questions, and whether this is a good idea or not.

  6. "Do you believe that a market can be effectively self regulating".

    Aren't they all? Both a buyer and a seller HAVE to show up and be willing to deal, no matter how strictly or poorly a market may be "regulated" by authorities. The real question is, how much does "regulation" increase or decrease the overall size of that market and WHY would anyone choose to do so if not to "skew" free-market results to suit a particular bias as to what's "good" or "bad" for them and theirs.

  7. Read Plato's "Hipparchus" (aka - "The Profiteer") ducky.

  8. I have 2 part question:

    1- "Do you believe United States is an Empire?
    2- "In the eyes of the world, would it matter whether the Democrats or Republicans are in power when it comes to foreign policy?"

    This question is directed to both the left and the right of the dial..... :)

  9. A few abstract questions, for my political opposites:

    How are monopolies bad?

    How are anti-trust laws good?

  10. Do you believe in American Exceptionalism? Why?

  11. How can legalised discrimination achieve true equality?

  12. Or:

    Can you have positive discrimination for one without negative discrimination against another?

  13. I like the direction this going.

    These questions will be ongoing, with a blog plug.

  14. When Was The Last Time You Doubted Your Own Beliefs?

  15. When Was The Last Time You Doubted Your Own Beliefs?


    I doubt them all the time, I'm a leftist.

    I especially doubt my belief that a socialist economy can be constructed without an unacceptable level of authoritarianism.

  16. One for the "international" socialists.

    Why does it require the cooperation of the entire world for you to create your socialist/communist utopia? If your "perfect" socio-economic solution isn't scalable, that should be telling you something about its' practicality.

  17. "Why does it require the cooperation of the entire world for you to create your socialist/communist utopia?"

    This is just a guess, mind you, but I'm guessing it's kind of embarrassing having to station guards on top of walls to keep people on their side from running over to the other side.

  18. That would be my guess, too, but I'd prefer to hear the "real" reason (excuse) from a true beliver.

  19. How can you call yourself a democracy when work places are petty tyrannies?

  20. What good is the Bill of Rights if you can be fired for any reason? (such as supporting a party the master hates or attending a meeting he opposes)

  21. “What good is the Bill of Rights if you can be fired for any reason? (such as supporting a party the master hates or attending a meeting he opposes)”

    Well in that vein, I just know you will be outraged at this story I came across today Larry:

    This party even has a democratically elected MEP for that region as well as quite a few councillors.

  22. Well pagan, it is absolutely impossible to provide anything like "Western" lifestyle for the world's population but you can expect people to gravitate to those areas.

    Unless your an Afghani in which case we come to you because we think you were naughty.

    Now, as this unsustainable sucking of the world's resources to provide the alienating consumer heaven, look for trouble down the road.

    ... people in Detroit ain't got no place to go. And they are going to eventually drag you out of your car and sap you down senseless so it's time to get out of the Libertarian sand box and start thinking about this.

  23. This one gets to the roots! When will you face the emotional problems that make you so full of denial and hatred ?

  24. Sentinel, I agree with you. People should not lose their jobs for membership in a party, be that party of right or left.

    Reminds me of a story... Friend of mine (Trotskyist) used to be the bus drivers union rep. A bus driver got hauled up on the mat for defending himself from a mugger. The driver happened to be the leader of some kind of Aryan Nations type group. My friend defended him because he was a member of the union, Nazi or not.

  25. Do term limits undermine the constituent voice(s)?

    Why are unions allowed to lobby?

    Why are unions tax-exempt?

    What is the true purpose of a union?

    Why do unions lobby for laws that require employees to join them and/or to pay them dues?

  26. So then-

    1. Do communists believe the people in developed nations should lower their standard of living while the people in developing nations presumably raise theirs, and do they think they should work toward a universal standard of living?

    2. If the answer to the above question is yes, how much should the people of the developed world lower their standard of living, and how much can they be reasonably expected to do so? Assuming this lowering of living standards comes about incrementally, how long will it take to achieve the goal of a universal standard of living.

    3. Do you really think this is a reasonably goal? How is it possible? Perhaps more importantly, assuming such a goal is achievable in the first place, do you really think such a situation is sustainable in the long term? If so, why?

  27. Do like Citizen K did. Boil things down to one question. One concise kick ass question.

    Don't deal with answers in this thread.

    To simplify things, if you have more than one question, add saying something as this is the final question.

  28. Okay then-

    Assuming you believe the world should work towards a worldwide, universal standard of living, how should we go about working towards that goal?

  29. Allow the intellectually effite impose it from above, of course. ;-)

  30. A great topic, RE -- and a fantastic, like-minded blog.

    My question:

    Is there any evidence that right-wingers have a conscience, individually and collectively, which includes empathy and compassion for other human beings? If so, what is it?

  31. Is there any evidence that “right-wingers” are really either 'subhuman' or a such a different species as to have an entirely unique physiology and psychology from the rest of “real humanity” i.e “left wingers” and as such do not have a conscience, individually and collectively, which includes empathy and compassion for other human beings? If so, what is it?

  32. These questions will be the basis of posts. Don't answer questions. There will be plenty of time to reply.

  33. Is there any difference between a career politician who leans left or right?

  34. Why do you view the world in black and white refusing to acknowledge the middle ground that would benefit all and not just your singular self-interest?

    Alternately: What do you have against real Democracy?

  35. A question for any Zionist: 'Did the Palestinian refugees all go on a camping holioday and forget to go home or did something more unpleasant happen. If the latter what consequences follow in elementary morality and justice?'

  36. Can political democracy exist in a capitalist economy? Must it be attenuated? Sorry, two questions. Maybe : Must political democracy be attenuated in a capitalist economy?

  37. Emotion or reason; which is better? Explain.

  38. Can/Will you guarantee that what's mine will remain mine?

    We share with who we wish to share - it's not compulsory. Is it still considered "charity" if it IS compulsory?

  39. Why ask why?

    Hey, here's an idea--let's have a contest through which we see who can tell the best fart jokes!

    (Ren, with all due respect, this is a bit contrived and gimmicky.)

  40. Slave Revolt said...
    Why ask why?

    Hey, here's an idea--let's have a contest through which we see who can tell the best fart jokes!

    Okay - My fave is partially visual. It features a contemporary drawing (from 'Punch' I think) of a Victorian dinner party. The (contemporary) caption is:

    Victorian Man 1: 'Sir! You farted in front of my wife!'

    Victorian Man 2: 'I'm sorry, I didn't know it was her turn'.

    It's a play on the words 'in front of' you see...

    Oh never mind.

  41. Slave Revolt: I can live with contrived and gimmicky.

    This will keep discussions focused and actually interesting.

    Some questions I'll reword to make sharper.

  42. Bob, "real democracy"...


  43. K asks Do you accept Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection as proven science?

  44. Does the 'owner' of a blog have responsibility for what comments are posted to that blog?

  45. Should a coward who keeps his or her identity anonymous be taken seriously?

  46. Or uses pseudonyms of course.

    Best to be fair.

  47. Tony gets my prize (which doesn't exist actually, sorry :( for the best question with his "When Was The Last Time You Doubted Your Own Beliefs?"; but the problem is, they won't give you an honest answer. Still, It's a great question, and if all answers were honest it would allow you to separate the good, the bad and the ugly very quickly indeed


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