Saturday, August 01, 2009

Bella Ciao Iran (The Partisan Song)

About the song:
(From wikipedia) The song Bella Ciao was sung by the left anti-fascist resistance movement in Italy, a movement by anarchists, communists, socialists and other anti-fascist partisans. The author of the lyrics is unknown, and the music seems to come from an earlier folk song sung by riceweeders in the Po Valley. Another interpretation has been given following the discovery in 2006 by Fausto Giovannardi of the CD "Klezmer - Yiddish swing music" including the melody "Koilen" played in 1919 by Mishka Ziganoff.

The song has been recorded by various artists in many different languages including Italian, Russian, Bosnian, Kurdish, Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, English, Spanish, Finnish, Kabyle, German, Turkish, Japanese, Tagalog, Breton and Chinese.

Singer of this version is Lidija Percan.

Una mattina mi son svegliato,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
e ho trovato l'invasor.
O partigiano, portami via,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
O partigiano, portami via,
ché mi sento di morir.
E se io muoio da partigiano,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E se io muoio da partigiano,
tu mi devi seppellir.
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
sotto l'ombra di un bel fior

ویدیویی برای جنبش سبز آزادی خواهی ایران



  1. Very moving. Don't miss Leonard Cohen's take on the same theme here.

  2. I also like Mark Gunnery version because of his raw, untamed voice:!

    btw, ren, I think the video would fit fine if you change the object width / height values to 400 and 300.

  3. You need to work w/the Iranians to get their gang signs right...

  4. Citizen K: Thank you for the link.

    Mehmet: I fixed the screen.

    I put up the video, to link the Iran issue.

    Thank you for the link.

    FJ: There are some on the left, who think the protests are all a CIA plot.

    The neoconservatives are for Ahmadinejad to stay in power.

  5. Evidence supporting your claim that the neocons are for the Khamenei regime?

    I have evidence to the contrary.

    Or is Bill Kristol no longer a neocon spokesperson?

  6. FJ: This is about neoconservative support for Ahmadinejad.

    Jams: I agree.

  7. my favourite version by the Modena City Ramblers:

  8. Yep, you are right. Before the fraudulent election, neocons like Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin were actually hoping that Almonds-in-a-jam would win the election... based on the incontravertable fact that the fundamentalist clerics who really rule Iran the real enemies of the people and that it would be better to have an Iranian president that everyone could really hate than "a sweet-talking Mousavi" who might lull our government and/or moderate Iranians into thinking we could all just be friends.

    That sounds like a pretty reasonable position to me.

    Surely you don't believe that the neocons are CURRENTLY hoping that this unanticipated opportunity to overthrow the fundamentalist clerics will FAIL, do you? Because you can be damn sure that the neocons are hoping for the fall of the Khamenei regime, the end of veleyat al-fiqh, and a political reproachment with a secular Iran harder than anybody.

    Much unlike the Obama administration, which immediately sucked up to the fraudulently elected regime and refused to offer even a single good word in support of the voter revolt until the neocons goaded them into it.

  9. btw - Don't you find it a bit disengenuous to take the neocon's pre-Iranian election position and then attempt to portray it as a post-election position, given that the fraud and subsequent protests had not been factored into the original statements?

    I do. I liken it to the worst sort of disinformation based soley upon 20-20 hindsight...

    btw - What's Obama's position today on supporting the Iranian protesters? Answer - "What support?"


  10. From "American Left History"

    Sunday, August 02, 2009


    *"Bella Ciao"- But "Bandiera Rossa" (Red Flag) As Well- We Are Indeed Partisans Of The Struggle

    Here is a link to a new Renegade Eye post. We need our revolutionary songs as part of the struggle, no question. "Bandiera Rossa" (Red Flag) would be my choice rather than the more amorphous "Bella Ciao". I have posted our classic anthem "The Internationale" in the past for May Day and the anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

    Bandiera rossa [Red Flag]

    Avanti o popolo, alla riscossa
    Bandiera rossa, bandiera rossa
    Avanti o popolo, alla riscossa
    Bandiera rossa trionferà.

    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Evviva il socialismo e la libertà!

    Degli sfruttati l'immensa schiera
    La pura innalzi, rossa bandiera
    O proletari, alla riscossa
    Bandiera rossa trionferà.

    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Il frutto del lavoro a chi lavora andrà.

    Dai campi al mare, alla miniera
    All'officina, chi soffre e spera
    Sia pronto è l'ora della riscossa
    Bandiera rossa trionferà.

    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Soltanto il socialismo è vera libertà.

    Non più nemici, non più frontiere
    Sono i confini rosse bandiere
    O socialisti, alla riscossa
    Bandiera rossa trionferà.

    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Nel solo socialismo è pace e libertà.

    Falange audace cosciente e fiera
    Dispiega al sole rossa bandiera
    Lavoratori alla riscossa
    Bandiera rossa trionferà.

    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Bandiera rossa la trionferà
    Evviva il comunismo e la libertà!
    Forward people, to the rescue
    Red flag, red flag
    Forward people, to the rescue
    Red flag will triumph.

    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Long live socialism and freedom!

    The exploited's immense formation
    Raises the pure, red flag
    Oh proletarians, to the rescue
    Red flag will triumph.

    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    The fruits of labor will be for he who works!

    From the country to the sea, to the mine
    To the workshop, those who suffer and hope
    Be ready, it's the hour of vengeance
    Red flag will triumph.

    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Only socialism is true freedom.

    No more enemies, no more frontiers
    The borders are red flags
    Oh socialists, to the rescue
    Red flag will triumph.

    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Only in socialism is there peace and freedom.

    Bold, conscious and proud ranks
    Unfurl the red flag in the sun
    Workers to the rescue
    Red flag will triumph.

    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Red flag will be triumphant
    Long live communism and freedom!

    Labels: antonio gramsci, bolshevik revolution, Eurocommunism, Italian Communist Party, lenin, leon trotsky, the russian revolution

  11. o/t - What do you think of Hugo Chavez's most recent assault on freedom of expression? I think he might be vying with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei for the "Oppressive Dictator of the Month" title.

  12. Entdinglichung: Thank you for the link. I'm getting a good collection of links of that song.

    Markin: I posted the specific video, because of its being pro-Iranian revolution. This post is a back door way to talk about Iran.

    I like both songs. I think Bella Ciao is prettier.

    FJ: Obama wasn't happy about the elections. The mullahs messed him over by stirring things up. Obama wants stability, so he can withdraw or more accurately redeploy from Iraq. Negotiating with Iran started with Bush.

    In Iraq the police have attacked the Mojahadin camps. That shows Maliki is very pro-Iranian government.

    There really is no such thing as neoconservatives. They all lined up to reputiate their past. Hitchens voted for Obama. Many became war critics.

    My comrades tell people, not to vote. The neoconservatives were telling Iranians, to vote for the candidate that keep the country the most isolated. What kind of strategists tell people to vote for the worst candidate.

    I replied at your blog, about Chavez.

  13. Evidence that neocons were telling Iranians to vote for the candidate that would keep them most isolated?

    Granted, many neocons rightfully expected that an Almonds-in-a-jam victory would make it easier for them to organize external opposition to Iran, but do you really believe they were advising Iranians to vote against their own best interersts? That's painting them pretty cynical.

    Really Ren, you need to reconsider making all these unsubstantiated charges that always impugn the motives of your political adversaries. People might accuse you of bias...

  14. Groups like Maryam's and mine, called for not voting. Contrast that with the ambiguous neocon position.

  15. There's nothing ambiguous at all about the neocon position. They stand firmly against the Iranian mullahcracy and did not PRESUME to tell the Iranians how to vote on anything.

  16. All of the candidates, and the protesters, are pro nuclear. That puts neocons in a collision with everyone.

  17. LOL! They all want Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Ren? If that's true then we are on a collision course. But if like India, they simply want nuclear power, then the neocons have no problem with that. We've been sharing nuclear power technology with the rest of the world since the 40's "Atoms for Peace" program. And all the Iranians need to get it back is to let them welcome the IAEC inspectors back... and stop processing weapons grade nuclear materials. In fact at one time, we supported the entire Iranian nuclear program.

    Iran's foray into nuclear research and development began in the mid 1960s under the auspices of the US within the framework of bilateral agreements between the two countries. The first significant nuclear facility built by the Shah was the Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC), founded in 1967, housed at Tehran University, and run by Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). This Center has always been one of Iran's primary open nuclear research facilities. It has a safeguarded 5-megawatt nuclear research reactor that was supplied by the US in 1967. The reactor can produce up to 600 grams of plutonium per year in its spent fuel.

    Iran signed the NPT on July 1, 1968. After the Treaty was ratified by the Majles, it went into effect on March 5, 1970. In the language of Article IV of the Treaty, the NPT recognized Iran's "inalienable right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful proposes without discrimination, and acquire equipment, materials, and scientific and technological information."

    In the mid-1970s, the US encouraged Iran to expand her non-oil energy base, suggested to the Shah that Iran needed not one but SEVERAL nuclear reactors to acquire the electrical capacity that the Stanford Research Institute had proposed, and expressed interest in the US companies participating in Iran's nuclear energy projects. Building these reactors, and selling the weapons that the Shah was procuring from the US in the 1970s, were, of course, a good way for the US to recover the cost of the oil that she was buying from Iran.

    Since the Shah never read or heard an American proposal that he did not like, he started an ambitious program for building many (presumably as many as TWENTY THREE) nuclear reactors. In 1975, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology signed a contract with the AEOI for providing training for the first cadre of Iranian nuclear engineers, and the Iranian-Indian nuclear cooperation treaty was also signed (India is now a nuclear power). In addition, the Nuclear Technology Center at Esfahan (Isfahan) was founded in the mid-1970s with the French assistance in order to provide training for the personnel that would be working with the Bushehr reactors. The Esfahan Center currently operates four small nuclear research reactors, all supplied by China.

    Mr. Sydney Sober, a representative of the US State Department, declared that the Shah's government was going to purchase EIGHT nuclear reactors from the US for generating electricity. On July 10, 1978, only seven months before the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the final draft of the US-Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement was signed. The agreement was supposed to facilitate cooperation in the field of nuclear energy and to govern the export and transfer of equipment and material to Iran's nuclear energy program. Iran was also to receive American technology and help in searching for uranium deposits.

  18. I don't trust the IAEC. I would trust the Iranians to keep their word to keep their nuclear program geared towards peaceful purposes before I would trust those clowns. Yeah, the UN does a fine job of monitoring, just look at the bang-up job they did with Saddam's Iraq during the Oil-For-Food program. That turned out real fine, didn't it?

    If the Iranians are going to have a nuclear program, then I would be fine with it provided the program was monitored by the US. If other agencies want to weigh in separately and apart from our oversight, that's between them and the Iranians, but as for the US and Iranian understandings concerning the matter, it ought to be one on one.

    Of course, the Iranians are going to say they do not and should not have an obligation to allow the US, or any other nation, access to their facilities, so we're back to Square A.

  19. I would go as far as to say all factions including protesters, want Iran to have aa bomb.

  20. ...only because Osama bin Laden is only 100 miles from having his bomb. And once Osama gets control of Pakistan, Tehran will get dialed in as ground zero.

  21. No Ren, they don't want the bomb. They want protection from idiots in the region like Osama bin Laden who will use THEIR Paksitani bomb to force the Shi'a/ Persian people to accept Sunni precepts and domination by the Arabian believers in the original four righteous imams.

  22. btw - But don't just believe me. Read for yourself.

  23. Hm. There's a verse missing in the video. Or rather, in that version used in the video. Incidentally, the first verse I learned to sing by heart :)

    Hm, actually, it misses TWO verses!

    Tutte le genti che passeranno,
    o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
    Tutte le genti che passeranno,
    Mi diranno «Che bel fior!»

    È questo il fiore del partigiano
    O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
    È questo il fiore del partigiano
    Morto per la libertà.

    And the people who shall pass
    Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
    And the people who shall pass
    Will tell me: "what a beautiful flower".

    This is the flower of the partisan
    Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
    This is the flower of the partisan
    Who died for freedom!


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