Monday, June 22, 2009

Iranian Revolution: Second Open Thread

Iran: A 1930s Level Crossroads for the International Left

The Iranian Revolution is a turning point, for the Middle East, and for the world. Politically you'll be judged by your stand. This article takes on the myths of both the extreme left and right about Iran. Both want Ahmadinejad to prevail, because of their good and evil bipolar worldview.

The people clash with the state. Jorge Martin argues a general strike is needed.

Later this week, I'll have a post about Chavez's position, offering disagreements with him, without giving comfort to reactionaries.



  1. Is it a revolution? Do the protestors have the political and organizational capacity for a general strike?

  2. what i love the most abt what is happening is that it seems some of the women have found their voices (and hopefully won't feel the intense wrath of all those who would keep them down).

  3. Khameni pointed out that Mousavi is just as much part of the establishment as Ahmadenijad. What he didn't point out is that support for Mousavi obviously represented more than the marginal shift he himself campaigned for.

    For the materialists here, do they think those rioting and risking their lives are doing so to leave one form of state tyranny for another? Isn't it more likely that they were encouraged by the voting they saw taking place in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan and as imperfect as those fits and starts were toward a liberal representative republic, they inspire universal hope for the oppressed.

    Were they rebelling for the abolition of private property or for the freedom and prosperity that is derived from it?

  4. K: There are four points needed for revolution:
    1) Divided ruling class. Check
    2) Vacillating middle class. Check
    3) United working class. Check
    4) Revolutionary leadersship. Uncheck.

    Weezie: See the blog of the Iranian feminist who contributes to my blog ,Maryam Namazie.

    CB: Neither. See my response to K. The question of organization and leadership is still unresolved. It has become more militant than what Mousavi wants.

    The US only wants stability. They would prefer Mousavi, but will settle for who is on top.

    This has been brewing atleast since 1999.

  5. I'm looking forward to read what Chavez has to say about all of this.

  6. Desert Mystery: Thank you for visiting again.

    Chavez has taken an incorrect position. An article is being written disagreeing him, while supporting the revolutionary process in Venezuela.

    Chavez believes my enemies friend is also my enemy.

  7. Renegade--
    What makes you think the working class is united? I saw the report about a general strike, but it's unconfirmed (still) which seems pretty striking.

    As for linking to Giordano, his performance has been cheer-leading and futurology, totally vacuous, with a patina of radical grassrootsism and historical analogies to give it the appearance of thoughtfulness.

  8. Other than Chavez who else has taken a naive line on the Iranian events? All the people I am familiar with, anarchists, IMT, Int Secretariat, CP, IS, etc support the revolt.

  9. Unsuprisingly George Galloway has has supported Ahmadinejad Larry.

  10. But enough of Galloway here is something all fellow trade unionists should support

  11. I look forward to finding comfort in your post on Hugo/Venezuela. ;-)

  12. Larry G: At the local antiwar coalition meeting this weekend, we called for an action supporting the Iranian working class. Never were we so isolated there. Not even the 4th Int'l supported us. Some said the secular movement is all upper class. The only slogans they support is no US intervention, no embargo.

    It turns out a group called Women Against Military Madness is having a forum, one day before ours, with an Iranian professor who is pro-Ahmadinejad. We're going to expose her.

    Max: I think the working class is united, maybe not organized.

    There has been calls by the Bus Workers Union for more action, and no support to either candidate.

    I agree with the direction of the article.

    Jams: Labour Start has worked for Iranian workers diligently.

    FJ: I support Chavez, but don't endorse him. Same as how I feel towards the Labor Party of the UK.

  13. How do Ifeel about the Labour Party? Same as Cromwell felt about the Rump...

    'You have sat too long for any good you may have done ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!'

    Or - more prosaically and contemporaneousy...

    'If you're not part of the solution you're [part of the problem'.

  14. An afterthought...

    Mind you, what Cromwell then did - a contrivance called the 'Parliament of Saints' was less than a conspicuous success.

    It did have a rather wonderfully named member though. He really was called 'Praise God Barebones' - unsurprisingly he changed his name at the Restoration.

    But I digress...


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