Monday, February 02, 2009

The Premier Dardos Award/Open Thread

I was presented by Redman Washington based blogger Killian, who owns the blog Citizen K The Premier Dardos Award. Citizen K according to Killian is Politics. Music. Movies. Books. Travel. Outrage. He is familiar to people who comment here. I met him online, through our both being fans of Ned Sublette's music.

The Premier Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web."

The Rules
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.

2) Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.

Citizen K wrote presenting me this award:

Strictly speaking, Renegade Eye may not be what the creators of the Dardos Award had in mind: A typical entry is an article pulled from a left-wing publication. But Ren has created an environment that encourages the left and right to debate (often fiercely) while he moderates the discussion with well-placed and articulated comments. He merits recognition, and here it is...

Time to pass it on:

1) A Poetic Justice is what the award was invented to honor. Mark uses every creative outlet, to speak for the suffering. A class act.

2) From India comes A Readers Words. RW writes about arts, politics and culture, with great enlightenment. When something happens in South Asia, I'm checking this blog for insights.

3) African Loft plays a unique role. It is a good place for reading news and opinion from and about Africa.

4) UK based British-Chinese pop culture and lefty diva Madam Miaow, when she is not being talked to by BBC, she is raising heck on her blog, with a humor so sharp it can cut. Miaow was a 2008 Weblog finalist. Here she wins.

5) The nature of my blog requires I give a rightist an award. CB deserves an award for trying to prove capitalism works.

Obviously this ward shouldn't only go to five blogs.

This is also an open thread. Any subject ok.



  1. The award is well deserved. Congratulations - and thanks for the mentioning AfricanLoft. Cheers!


    you're alot friendlier than some righties i've come across and i can say that with impunity - mostly because i give no care to what mere mortals think of me - ha!

  3. Ren -- You're on the right?

    Love, C.

  4. Congratulations Ren and thanks. At least in this case, it can't been said of me that I sought the path of least resistance. LOL

  5. Well deserved. While I don't always agree with your politics, I admire the intelligence and breadth of this blog -- and also than you for pointing me in the direction of The Wild Reed a while ago.

  6. I am a new comer to your blog. I must say, I am enjoying it so far ... congratulations....

  7. This is an open thread. Any subject OK...Almost.

    Caretaker: Mugabe must keep you busy.

    Nevin: Your blog is very good.

    Foxessa: My blog has more rightists commenting, than most lefty blogs.

    Ninglun: I always liked your blog.

    CB: it can't been said of me that I sought the path of least resistance. LOL


    Nanc: you're alot friendlier than some righties i've come across and i can say that with impunity - mostly because i give no care to what mere mortals think of me - ha!

    I"ll have to do something about that.

  8. ...don't try too hard.

    Congratulation, Ren (and CB!!!)

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