Monday, November 06, 2006

No To Cluster Bombs (Online Campaign)

Dear Fellow Comrades and Leftists

This is asking the online humanitarian groups to be active and promote the online petition. You don't have to agree with me on any other issue (as plenty disagree with me politically but we are all humans). If you are opposed to the use of these devastating immoral weapons, please sign the petition. As you some of you know, Israel left inside Lebanon over 1.2 million unexploded cluster bombs in S. Lebanon. The Lebanese Army says that it will take years to take them all out and dismantle them. According to Handicap International , there are currently around 100,00 potential victims due to the unknown locations of cluster bombs. Already around 181 case (according to the Daily Star) have been wounded or killed due to cluster bombs since the end of the war in August 2006.

I also would like to add that Cluster Bombs have been used extensively through out the world, the only ones hurt are not the militants, rather it is the civilians.

Thank you Renegade Eye for allowing me to place this campaign on your blog.

Best Regards and Thank You in Advance



  1. Petitions don't do much. Workers' actions are needed to exact any real change.

    Anyway, cool blog.

  2. well if this petition encourages people to know what the heck is going on exactly and what happened (including raising the awareness on Cluster Bombs) then why not?

  3. Why not eliminate the need for cluster bombs? If you don't, then you are on a very steep slippery slope. Eliminate the need for Israel to defend itself from those who promote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as truth. Otherwise you move from Cluster Bombs to Bunker Busters to Cruise missles to 20 mm shells to bullets to bows and arrows to sling shots to spears and rocks. Eliminate the need for the use of weaponry by eliminating those that call for genocide and the elimination of Israel's right to exist.

  4. Israel has no right to exist, at least not in its present form. The only people that need to defend themselves are the Palestinians, whose land has been taken and who are under constant attack from the Israeli and Yankee capitalists and their henchmen.

    Thanks for linking to my blog though

  5. CSC,

    You just provided a John Kerry moment.

    Thank you!

  6. CB, I can't believe that you are following the Animal Farm logic that some people are more equal than others...

    Go check your sources, is Israel defending itself or that what the media is bullshitting you? Damn, houses are being torn down with people in them, and you call that defence? You seem to forget that Israel kicked out a whole set of people to build its own (or that is justified as long as they are not muslims?) Mind you, christians and muslims got kicked out of their homes...

    so spare me this racist logic...and one more thing, in its foreign policy the difference between Democrats and Republicans is same in the difference between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola... same bullshit...

    PS: By standing against it then you are with Israel launching all those missiles in the last three days on civilians as well bravo mr. Democracy.



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