Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Jessica and Ashlee Simpson Moment of Diversion

"They're everything wrong with culture, and
everything wrong with art." - David LaChapelle,
on Jessica and Ashlee Simpson.

A moment away from torture pictures and racist cartoons.RENEGADE EYE


  1. They are overdressed, too...

  2. If they are "everything wrong" then I don't want to be "right". I think that was a verse from a song.

  3. Reminds me a bit of the Britney & Sister roadshow, which has kinda stalled, for now. I wonder what Mr LaChappelle was preoccupied with, when he thought of these two?

  4. David LaChapelle is spot on.

    I love your blog - I'm going to stop by as often as possible!


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