Sunday, January 22, 2006

CIA: Homepage For Kids

In commerce to hook future consumers, you start educating children to your product. Only in America, the clandestine arm of government has a page for children from Kindergarden to 5th grade.

Your kids are invited to visit the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia with Ginger, which is short for Virginia. Children can play the code breaking game called Cold Warriors. Decipher words as Berlin Wall, courage and George Bush.

Learn about the CIA canine corps, with characters Dallas, Tiwoz, Gerro, Whisper, Maggie, Zoltan, Nikky or Orry, and the twins Harry (named after Truman)and Aerial, and their minature cameras.

Conspicuous by their absence was; The Valerie Plame Blame Game, The Overthrow A Government for United Fruit Game, or Assasin's Target Game.

See: DIRELAND, Open Democracy and CIA's Homepage for Kids. RENEGADE EYE


  1. Holy MI-5... as if brainwashing our lil ones isn't bad enough, we have this worst case scenario to consider: Some disgruntled brat who despises being disciplined considers reporting their parents to Big Brother... *voila*... here's the directions.

  2. Get 'em young.

    What's happening over at NOFTA? It's been invaded by asshats.

  3. Woah advertorial arms of government. What next? Military ads on TV?

  4. I have to be honest and say if I were a kid I would love that kind of stuff! But, I can see where you are coming from...

  5. I think if I were a kid, I would just tried and stole a document or too.

  6. The CIA must have a very bloated budget if they can spend money on this racket.

    I can imagine the CIA has a Directorate for Preschool Propaganda presided over by a General Intelligence Officer (Nanny) Grade 1.


  7. Great Blog, Renegade, and great post. Very big brother-ish, isn't it? Watch out for your kids, they're spying for the government. Anyway, great blog again, I'll be reading it often.


  8. I really don't see the problem. The CIA is vilified daily as some dastardly and evil group by the MSM to such an extent that the term itself brings to mind only negative responses from average people. This program is just the way any organization would try to improve their image.
    Take the large oil companies for example. They spend tons of money on advertising for the express intent of promoting themselves as being "green on the environment". In fact, they are anything but. These types of well funded promotions are so common in the mega-corporate culture that it has become somewhat ubiquitous. The CIA should have the same rights to promote themselves as any other institution or organization.

  9. It is not an issue, the CIA's right to have such a website. It's a taste matter.

  10. I'm beginning to believe, that the right argues a point politically, they use the same tactic, my ex-wife used to argue with me. It was using "gotcha" points. The argument was like this; not only did you do this, you did this, this, and this as well.

    The CIA got its image, from its activities from Guatamala to Valerie Plame. The contempt was earned. The CIA has traditionally not been run by conservatives, rather liberals.

    My brain is exploding, having to deal with; Ikea, Walmart, IRS, NSA etc etc.

  11. Maybe the CIA could throw kids' parties and organize special games. They could play a special version of Treasure Hunt, where the children have to run around and find hidden WMD.

    The first kid to find some wins a life time's employment in the CIA. If the kids don't find any then they all win... a life time's employment in the CIA. It's a win-win type of game.

  12. I wouldn't say the MI6 is perfect either, they did participate in the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadeq in order to keep control of their colonial interests. But dam, I can't wait to play "Lets sell weapons to the Iranians and use the money to support a proxy army trying to overthrow the soverign democratically elected government of Nicaragua." Too bad Oliver North has the high score...

    This looks like a job for Super Marx!


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