Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Play The Dinner Party Game

You are allowed to invite to a dinner party; any four people, from any time in history, living or dead.

I'll start with my list.

Leon Trotsky

Kiera Knightly

Pablo Picasso

Carl Sagan

Who gets your invitation??????


  1. Christopher Hitchens.
    George Orwell (in part, to explain to Hitchens that he is wrong about imperialism).
    Noam Chomsky (in part so he can enjoy Orwell destroying Hitchens)
    Rosa Luxemburg (in part to explain to Chomsky why he is wrong about Bolshevism)

  2. Re comments over at Rullsenburg Rules about Jodie Foster, got this little snippet from imdb: "Kung Fu" playing "Alethea Patricia Ingram" in episode: "Alethea" (episode # 1.10) 15 March 1973 .

    Seems that, not for the first time, I'm wrong. Apologies.

    And I'll come on over for a visit again some time.

  3. Atilla the Hun
    Cecil Rhodes

  4. Jack London

    John Lydon

    Jock Stein

    The woman I kissed at the office party last week who shall remain nameless

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'd invite to my dinner party, the following 4 people:

    - Che Guevara
    - Mohammed Ali
    - Angelina Jolie
    - Marlon Brando

    I'll visit again,

  6. e. m. forster
    sylvia plath
    malcolm x
    martin luther king

  7. Thanks for the link, Renegade Eye. I was so impressed when I saw your blog, that I was going to link it too... but I was bogged down with a problem on my computer. It's now 'sorted' - as we say in England - and so's the link. I find this 'who links to me?' thing really cool, and I've 'borrowed' the idea:-)

    Can I also borrow the 'dinner party' idea please, please... thanks!


  8. Dang! I still can't come up with 4 people. I thought of it for a day!

    I'll post soon with the 4 lucky human beings :P

  9. Thanks for leaving your dinner party list on mine... You were in a hurry though, and left Keira Knightley's surname as 'Knight'... to you might want to revisit.

    Further to Knightley, I think that's excellent taste you are showing. I remember the scene in 'Love Actually' where she's finally seeing all the secret videos made of her by her admirer. It gets to a point, the camera homes in on her faces as she marvels at her own looks as revealed on the video. "I look quite pretty!" she says. And the viewer realises just then too, that yes, she is quite pretty...

    That was a great movie moment for me.


  10. Can I have four Kiera Knightleys?

  11. You can have two Hiltons, Knightly and Trotsky.

  12. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I wanted to read up on yours, so I stopped by.

    My four guests for dinner would be:

    -Thomas Jefferson (I'm a Virginian, so you know)
    -Ayn Rand (to explain some holes)
    -Michael Collins
    -Eddie Izzard (he'd lighten the mood a little)

  13. My four:

    Karl Marx
    B. Traven
    Helen Mirren
    Mary Shelley

  14. It just hit me that Picasso had Stalinist sympathies. How would Trotsky take to that??

  15. I don't know who the woman is, but she's hot!

  16. Jesus to discover the meaning of some of the "passover texts" in the Bible, the ones I pass over because I don't understand them. I understand he made a mean wine too.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - he was a party animal and he would rock the house on the piano.

    Josephine Baker because she was one of the sexiest most provacative women to ever live, plus she and Mozart together at a party would be magic.

    For my fourth, I'm trying to decide between any number of super hot women throughout history, Da Vinci, Adam Smith, Irving Kristol, Condoleeza Rice but while this group would represent either visual or intellectual stimulation, this is after all a party.

    I'd have to go with Shakespeare, we'd need a great story teller and some serious poetry.

    What a party!

  17. Ok seriously here's my list

    Kiera Knightley
    Christopher Hitchens

  18. Good question. It's difficult to decide between the four people I would most want to talk to and the mechanics of creating a good conversational dinner party.

    In either case I would just have to have Oscar Wilde there.

  19. Oscar Wilde would be a noble invitation to *any* dinner party. Bring on the port.

  20. Renegade Eye - Right back at ya with the blogroll.

    Happy Holidays!

  21. Hey Renegade,
    I'd invite:

    Bob Marley
    Frantz Fanon
    Frederick Douglass
    Some of my direct ancestors

    Yup, a great opportunity to flirt with four handsome men. (Oh rat, just remembered Fanon was gay.)

  22. Hi,

    My invitation list reads:

    Elvis Presley
    Roald Dahl
    and last but not least, Emperor Shah Jahan (Taj Mahal)

  23. David Rockefeller
    Ed Schultz
    Ralph Nader
    Mike Ruppert

  24. Only Four?

    Let's see...

    George Herbert Mead
    WEB DuBois
    Janis Joplin
    Robert Pirsig

    Nice mix of personalities...

    but if I had one or two more, Bukharin and, yes, Carl Sagan


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