Sunday, March 27, 2005

Yahoo Science and Terri Schiavo.

The hysteria of the Terri Schiavo case, motivated me to start this blog. I needed a spot to defend scientific thought against the attacks by rightist yahoos and various oppurtunists. The country needs a rational discussion about issues of right to die, with dwindling healthcare funding. That discussion actually has little to do with this issue.

This is murder by starvation? Terri is not succumbing to renal failure and cardiac arrest. When outside nutrition is denied, the body feeds on itself. This is a comfortable process with modern hospice care. Comfort is provided with pain medications, and dignity is maintained as cleanliness. What the Yahoos fail to mention, is the potential for aspiration (drowning) with the tube returned. The crowd that is using Terri, are against stem cell research, teaching evolution etc, yet they want modern science, to keep her in an alive state.

Michael Schiavo murderer? If you believe that nonsense, arrest him or be still.

Terri's been dead several years: I agree with Hitchens with a C, "She has been dead for 15 years." According to University of MN neurologist Dr. Ronald Cranford, talking about her EEC test, It's totally flat."

Liberal leadership? Where is Hillary, John Kerry etc on this assault on science and rationality??

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