Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wishing Tina's Baby All The Best

Tina from the blog fuzzy and blue --political musings by a proud Democrat baby girl, is having a major eye surgery on Wednesday. If you read her blog, you'll find she is a person of substance. I always tell her, the Democratic Party, doesn't deserve having her. Go to her blog, and write her a note.RENEGADE EYE


  1. we need to make her a commie.

  2. WTF??? I commented on this a few days ago... where the hell is my comment? Did I only hit PREVIEW and then didn't hit LOGIN and PUBLISH??? I saw Sangroncito's and Daniel's well wishes at my blog and I knew they came from your place and I was just blown away by your kindness Renegade. I showed Hubby and he said it is beyond sad that my sweet blog family is kinder to us than his own parents (we received not 1 single call from them in regards to BabyGirl's surgery. Not 1 single call, but Hubby's wonderful grandma called us 4 or 5 times).
    I'm giving you a GIANT e-hug Renegade. Ya know the kind... the giant boob crushing kind that makes your back crack.
    And you're sooo right... the Demopublicans do NOT deserve me. That's why so few get my money.

    I am now going to hit PUBLISH extremely HARD!!!

    Smooches and hugs for all of your sweetness and concern... I REALLY needed it and I appreciate it.


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