Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Afghanistan:Christian convert faces death penalty in Afghanistan


The leader of Afghanistan's puritanical Taliban militia has issued an edict imposing the death penalty on any Afghan Muslim who converts to Christianity or Judaism, an official radio report said Monday.

The decree from Taliban Supreme Leader Mulla Mohammad Omar also said anyone caught selling "anti-Islamic literature" would be sentenced to five years jail, according to state-run Radio Shariat.
AFP, Jan.8, 2001

Abdul Rahman, 41, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada told Associated Press. The accused was charged with rejecting Islam.

He admitted to converting to Christianity 16 years ago, while working as a medical aide in a Christian relief group helping Afghan refugees in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.

The prosecutor is willing to drop the charges, if Rahman converts back to Islam.

Shariah law states that any Muslim who rejects Islam should be sentenced to death, according to Ahmad Fahim Hakim, deputy chairman of the state-sponsored Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. Repeated attempts to impose a jail sentence were barred.

For information see: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan RENEGADE EYE


sonia said...

I thought we didn't go to Afghanistan to fight against their Sharia law. We went there to spread democracy. Democracy means that people decide their own laws (including Sharia laws)...

If I seem a bit coldblooded here, it might be because I can't work myself into a frenzy over someone ditching Islam for Christianity (talk about lousy trade!)...

To me, democracy is about long term effects.... The West should leave the Afgans to make their own mistakes, as long as they are democratic, that is...

Having said that, if that Rahman guy was facing death for being gay, I definitely would call for sanctions and worse.

But "Christian"... They can hang him for all I care!

beatroot said...

But Sonia is right. It's their (very backward) country and they are just showing everybody that you cannot 'spread democracy' from inside the Whitehouse (particularly from inside the Whitehouse).

I actually thought that bombing Afghanistan ws just as disgusting as bombing Bagdad. The most powerful armed force in the earth smashing up the third world is never pretty.

Frank Partisan said...

Sonia: You realize that nudists are next.

Beatroot: Achieving a national goal is not an end in itself. That government presents itself to the world as secular and against the Taliban.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd disagree with an intelligent naked woman, but Sonia, the opinion you have just expressed is worse than 'cold'. It's reprehensible.

patrick said...

Religion is turning into Nazism. It's as simple as that.

sonia said...

G Kendal,

I don't think Afghans have any business criticizing the executions of mentaly retarded murderers in the United States, and therefore Americans have no business criticizing the executions of religious fanatics in Afghanistan...

Incidentally, what better proof that Karzai isn't a stooge of George Bush than this affair?

roman said...

The death sentence in sharia law for apostasy is one feature of Islam that is totally unacceptable by modern civilized norms. I keep thinking that unless there is a "reformation" of some kind which will bring Islam into the 21'st century by shedding some of the inhumane religious rites dating back to the 7'th century, there will definitely be a "clash of civilizations".
To preserve the image of Islam of being the religion of peace it would be wise to release Abdul Rahman immediately. Once the world press distributes this savage and brutal "relic" of the past, world opinion will view Islam in even a more unfavorable light than ever before.